Chapter 10

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Soon Phupha, Daw, and Tian were on their way back to the house. Phupha had messaged his mother and told her that Tian would be staying for dinner. His mother was so excited to see some improvement in her son's love life but Phupha had asked her to calm down and that it was all business.

Once they reached home, Tian paid respects to Alice before being guided to Phupha's office.

"Let's sit here" Phupha led him to the couch and Tian plopped down placing his laptop on the glass table before him and his backpack on the ground. Phupha took off his coat before walking into the attached bathroom to refresh himself. When he came out, he asked if Tian wanted to wash up and Tian nodded. Honestly, he was nervous about being alone with Phupha and he needed to calm down. He kept pacing in the bathroom, and finally stopped in front of the mirror. He washed his face; looked up at his reflection and took deep breaths.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Phupha was in the same dilemma. He was twiddling his thumbs, sitting on the couch. His heart was thumping loudly in his chest, and he couldn't believe that Tian was here.

In his house.

In his home office.

Phupha took a seat on the couch to calm his nerves. He buried his face in his hands and when he opened his eyes he could see something he had seen before. He removed his hands from his face and picked it up from the table. It was a fancy silver pen with a blue diamond-shaped stone on the top.

He remembered seeing the same pen in a photo shared by his unknown admirer. A few nights ago, the unknown admirer had sent a photo of a couple of business-related books with documents scattered on the table, and in the pile, there was a pen. Phupha quickly browsed through their chats on his phone which he had saved under the name "Nhoo"* and found it. It was the same pen. It all clicked. Whatever Tian had said regarding his father wanting him to take over the business, Tian would have used those books for reference. He had his doubts because his unknown admirer seemed to have a few characteristics of Tian like they both like to bicker, tease and make silly jokes. That's why he had nicknamed him, "Nhoo" in the first place.

(Nhoo*- its means "kiddo" or "little one")

Just then his phone pinged and Phupha clicked on the message sent by Rang. He had the information of his unknown admirer.

Phupha smiled as he saw the name. He looked back at the bathroom door and chuckled.

Just as Tian walked out of the bathroom, Alice walked in with the refreshments.

"I brought some snacks and drinks for you both to enjoy while you work." She said as she placed it on the table.

"Thanks, Mae." Phupha smiled while Tian smiled and bowed with his hands joined.

"Thank you, Mom." Tian said with a smile.

"You're welcome dears. Now come on, and eat," she encouraged Tian to take his seat and eat the snacks. Tian nodded and took a seat next to Phupha.

Alice smiled in victory and sent a wink to her son before walking out. Phupha was trying to maintain his composure. He stood up and walked towards the balcony to get some fresh air. Seeing Phupha walkout, Tian also followed him only to find out that it was a bad idea.

"So Nhoo... when are you planning to let your crush know who you are?" Tian froze in his actions. He was about to put a chip in his mouth when Phupha sprang the question out of the blue.

He turned to face Phupha and opened his mouth in an attempt to explain his somewhat compromising condition; only to have forced air escape his lungs, unable to formulate words. Seeing that he was having a bit of difficulty, Phupha waited patiently for Tian to compose himself, a few seconds passing before he was able to answer coherently.

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