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The top floor of Phoenix Industries was pin-drop silent as if everyone was holding their breath. Employees ducked into their cubicles and made themselves appear as busy as possible, praying for their lives that they weren’t the unlucky individual to be publicly shamed today.

Phupha had decided to pay a sudden visit to the new Industries company and so everyone was trembling in fear. It was a newly established building to handle the matters regarding the industries since the Phoenix Group has expanded after his partnership with Teerayut. It's only been a few times, Phupha had visited the new office. So the employees hardly knew him.

Turning the corner, they saw Phupha enter in a clad and crisp suit. His facial features were soft, but the look in his eyes can only be described as stoic and harsh. The meaning was clear. Business. Two men, Nam and Yod walked behind him but stopped halfway.

"Som, I said I needed the files on my desk at 11 sharp!" Phupha barked, not even bothering to look at who he was speaking to. He walked straight into his office, pulling out his phone and immediately shutting the door.

"Looks like we've got a Code Red today..." Yod sighed as he walked towards the coffee machine. "Just wish he wouldn't take it out on everyone, though."

"Just be glad he's our friend to spare us from his wrath, Yod," Nam whispered.

Keng, the manager of the Industries company, who is close to Phupha walked in, and he was sweating profusely. "Damn," he breathed. "What the hell is going on! It's been a year since I've seen him like that. Someone, please call Tian before he burns the place down."

Som scurried with some files towards Phupha's door, looking absolutely mortified, but nonetheless, with papers in hand.

"I got it. Hold on," Nam said as he pulled out his phone and dialed Tian's number. The call was picked up on the third ring.

"I know why you're calling, Phi. It's a code red, isn't it?" Nam blinked. 

Was Tian psychic?

"You guys are at the Industries Building right?" He asked and Nam nodded.


"Great. Give me 5 seconds." Tian said and Nam blinked again before Tian hung up. They all heard the elevator ding. The doors opened and there was the sound of footsteps. Everyone turned to see Tian walking in. He looked a bit tired, but still positively radiant in a casual white hoodie and sweatpants.

He walked through, giving a smile to anyone and everyone who made eye contact with him, and finally stopped at Phupha's door-- except, he didn't knock; instead, he walked right through and seated himself on the couch directly across from Phupha's desk. The office doors were transparent, so the employers could see what was happening inside.

Some of the newer employees hold their breath, waiting for the moment that Phupha will lash out and kick out whoever it was that strode into his office so casually. But the others let out a sigh of relief knowing just how much of a soft spot Phupha had for Tian-- how Tian could do just about anything, and Phupha was completely powerless.

"Wait a minute, What are you doing here?" Phupha asked, surprise in his eyes, but indifference in every other sense.

"Well, I wanted to join you for breakfast! But I had to drop off Daw at home..." Tian said with a smile. Phupha stared at Tian but said nothing.

"Aw, come on, Chief! I said I was sorry! I wanted to come home last night. But my nephews didn't let me! I told you to come with me, but you were busy!" Tian pouted. It was true. Tian had taken Daw to visit his family since it was his nephew's birthday. Daw was tired from the journey and his two nephews didn't let them go home. So they spent the night. In the morning, Tian had dropped Daw at home before driving to visit Phupha at his office.

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