Chapter 12

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As he ended the most heartbreaking story of his life, Phupha had realized that he was crying. When he tried to lift his hand to wipe his face, he discovered that he was holding Tian's hand. Tight. He'd probably been hurting Tian, but the other man hadn't said a word in protest. He just sat there getting his hand squeezed off and listened.

Phupha slumped forward, Tian caught his head with his shoulder. The abused hand rose and lost itself in his hair.

"I wish I could have met her," Tian said quietly. "We would've got along very well. We even would've probably teamed up against you" Tian said trying his best to comfort Phupha. Looks like it worked cause Phupha looked up at him with a small smile, his eyes now red and puffy.

"Yeah, she would've loved you more than me," he chuckled.

Phupha still with his head on Tian's shoulder turned to grab the drawing on the table. He stared at it lovingly for some time, with neither of them saying anything. The silence broke when Phupha decided to speak again.

"The day she called me 'Daddy', I swear I haven't been the happiest I've ever been," Phupha smiled as he held the drawing and thought back to the day Daw had called him, 'Daddy' for the first time.

"She had gone for a play date with a few kids she had met in kindergarten. Mae had taken her. When they returned back home, she surprised me with her curious questions," Phupha chuckled.

"Náa! Náa! We're home!" Phupha heard Daw's voice echo from the living room.

(Náa- a term used for mother's younger brother)

"I'm in my office, star! Hey!" Daw was quick to run up to him and give him a big hug.

"So how was your play date?" He asked as he sat her down on his lap as she tried to narrate in a few sentences. Suddenly she turned quiet.

"Náa?" She asked as she titled her head and looked up at Phupha.

"What is it?" Phupha asked.

"What adop-- adopt..." Daw stuttered to get the word and ending up frowning when she couldn't get the word.

"You mean, 'adoption'?" Daw's eyes lit up when Phupha figured it out.

"Yeah! What does it mean?" She asked with a curious look and now Phupha was curious to know where she had heard it.

"Now where did you hear this?" Phupha asked.

"From Gran'ma. I heard her talking to my fwiends' mommies. She even said Náa's and Daw's name too," Daw explained.

"Well, adoption is just a legal process, sweet heart. As you know that your mother and father are in heaven, being your Guardian Angels. But here, you would need another guardian to protect you and take care of you, don't you think?" Daw nodded. "So, Náa had signed the papers to be your legal guardian. To take care of Daw," Phupha explained.

"So, like a daddy?" Daw turned and looked up at him. Phupha smiled.

"Yeah, like a daddy..." He said.

"Then... you're my daddy now?" She asked with her eyes twinkling in excitement to confirm her question.

"Yeah, I sorta am," Phupha never expected Daw to hug him suddenly. He never even expected what she said next

"Daw's happy to have you as a daddy," Phupha was overwhelmed. His vision turned blurry as he tried to hold back his tears but once he closed his eyes, they escaped and roll down his cheeks.

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