Chapter 15

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After reporting to his father, Tian decided to visit Phupha and Daw. After a quick stop at the store, Tian had everything he needed. He drove to Phupha's house. He was greeted by Alice when he walked in.

"Sawadee Mom, how's Daw doing?" He asked.

"She's resting now. Phupha is with her. They're upstairs," she smiled.

"Thanks, Mom," he said and took the stairs.

Daw's room door was cracked open a little and he could see the other man was fast asleep, with a little angel sleeping cuddled to him.

As he inched toward the bed, Phupha turned to look at him. Almost as if he already knew Tian was there. His eyes were open and his lips held a soft smile Tian could swear was only given to him.

"Hey, love." Tian smiled at the nickname.

"Hi," Tian said softly as he walked over to the bed. "How is she?"

"She seems okay for now. Just exhausted. What are you doing here?" Phupha whispered as they both looked at the sleeping angel.

"I did tell you that I would visit, didn't I?" Tian smirked and Phupha shook his head with a smile.

"Did you have lunch?" Tian shook his head.

"No, not yet. I got here as soon as I could after meeting with my father." Phupha reached out and grabbed Tian's hand.

"Why don't you go downstairs and eat?" Tian just smiled.

"Did you eat?" He asked and Phupha gave him a guilty smile.

"Not yet," Tian lifted his free hand and ran his fingers through Phupha's hair.

"Let's go and have lunch," Tian said. Phupha turned to look at Daw still cuddled into his side.

"I'll take care of her when you boys eat. Go ahead," Alice walked in. 

Phupha smiled and nodding. He slowly got up, hoping Daw doesn't get disturbed while Alice took his place. Daw moved a bit but soon got comfortable hugging Alice.

Phupha opened all the food casseroles to see the food and chuckled when Tian looked at all the food hungrily. Phupha laughed louder when he heard Tian's stomach growled, seemed like the younger didn't realize how hungry he was before.

"Be careful, it's hot," Phupha warned as Tian forked the potato. Tian smiled and carefully bit it. Phupha watched intently, ready to react if something goes wrong.

"It's perfect," Tian finally said after chewing a few more. Phupha nodded in acknowledgment and continued to serve the food on the plate in front of Tian.

"Ah, real food," Tian exhaled in between his chewing.

"You really like Mae's cooking, huh?"

"Of course I do, it's been a long time since I had home-cooked meals this often," Phupha smiled at him.

"Eat a lot, Nhoo..." He said

"Thanks for this, Chief," Tian said, digging into his food. "What would I do without you."

"You won't need to find out," Phupha said, kissing the side of Tian's head. "Because I'll always be here with you."

Tian smiled at that and they spend the rest of the lunch in comfortable silence. After they finished their lunch, Phupha broke the silence.

"So how was the weekend being back at home," Phupha asked and Tian frowned and then smiled.

"To be honest, Chief. It was kind of nice. And awkward at the same time."

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