Chapter 20

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It was around six on the night of Valentine's Day; Tian would be arriving soon. So, Phupha cast a last inspecting look at the dining room to make sure everything was ready.

He had prepared a surprise Valentine's Day dinner for Tian. He had asked his mom to help him and they both cooked an elegant yet simple dinner, just as Tian liked.

The dining room being perfect, he went to the bathroom to make sure he was too. He fixed his hair in front of the mirror for the hundredth time, he who normally couldn't care less about how he looked. He then adjusted his shirt- the same one Tian had helped him choose for Christmas.

Everything had to be perfect. This was it, the night he was going to propose. He was so nervous... but excited as well. How could she not be excited when he was (hopefully) marrying the man of his dreams?

They haven't talked about marriage before. Phupha wasn't sure if Tian wanted it yet. Truthfully, he was a bit worried about himself. They only have been dating for a year now. He loved Tian and couldn't see a possible future without him. He was certain he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Tian, and yet marriage just seemed... scary? He couldn't find the words to describe it. But even still, it was something he wanted. Only with Tian. It would be scary, but they'd get through it together. If Tian said yes, of course.

That thought made him worried. What if Tian said no? What if Tian wasn't ready, or had changed his mind and decided he didn't want to be with Phupha? That would break even Daw's heart! She was more excited than he was when he had asked her about it after he had bought the ring. She would be crushed. The possibilities were endless. But he didn't want to think of them right now. No, he would only focus on the positive. Tian would say yes, for, what reasons did he have to refuse?

"Little star, come here. Daddy has something to ask you" Daw ran into her father's arms as he took her seat on the couch in the living room. Daw stood in between his legs and looked up at Phupha.

"Now, I've got a question for you, and you must be very, very honest with me in your answer."

Daw nodded, her little face growing very seriously. Phupha had to bite the tip of his tongue to keep himself from laughing. His little girl was so cute. He just wanted to take his phone out and capture her expression. But he realized that he had to be serious, like her.

"What is it, Daddy?" She whispered, "Is it a secret?" She looked around to see if anyone was listening. Phupha shook his head with a small chuckle.

"Not really, or it won't be for long," Phupha shrugged and Daw looked up at him curiously.

"I've got a very special present for Tian, and I'd like to give it to him, but I can't do that without your permission."

"How come?" She asked with a little smile when Phupha mentioned Tian's name.

"Because... It's a very serious question," Phupha said with a sigh. "It's this." He pulled out the little velvet box and showed the ring inside to Daw, who gasped.

"You're gonna marry him?!" She whispered loudly.

"Well, I'd like to," Phupha said, "But first, he's got to say yes, and you've got to say yes."

"Why me?" She asked with a frown.

"Because you're my daughter, and it would be quite unfair of me to marry him and let him hang around all the time if you weren't okay with it."

Daw smiled, her face lighting up. "I'm okay with it, Daddy"

"Are you sure, little star?" She nodded excitedly.

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