Chapter 2

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The teacher glanced up to spot Phupha standing at the door and his interest piqued as he stared at the other man.

Once Phupha knew that the teacher had spotted him as well, he gave the other man a nod, ultimately composing himself in time for him to approach. His lips were pulled into a smile, his eyes bright, and there was tenderness in his expression which Phupha couldn't help but stare at the beauty in front of him.

"I'm Khun Tian Sopasitsakun. Who's this little one?" He asked warmly, crouching down to adore the little girl, his smile only growing upon his gleaming features. Phupha could probably equate Tian to a ray of sunshine, both in his movements and his expressions, seemingly the perfect fit for a primary school teacher.

"Hi, my name's Daw. Nice to meet you, Khru Tian!" Daw explained, Tian reaching out and shaking hands with Daw. He seemed taken up by her, almost drawn in, but Phupha wasn't surprised. Daw had always been a sweet girl with a golden heart and she charmed everyone around her with a smile.

"She seems excited for the day," Tian explained, taking a step back and looked at Phupha.

"You have no idea. She's been talking non-stop about how she can't wait for this day to come," Tian laughed and nodded.

"I can imagine," Tian said with a smile as he directed his look to Daw looking around the class.

Phupha just nodded, slightly distracted by the other's smooth and calm voice. Without realizing it, Phupha's gaze had drifted to watch the man's lips as he spoke. He snapped his gaze back up to his eyes, finding more amusement there.

"I'm sorry I didn't catch your name..." Tian stated the obvious.

"I'm Phupha Viriyanon, nice to meet you," he held his out and Tian shook it without any hesitation. As he shook Tian's hand, he couldn't help but notice just how fucking handsome and cute he was. Yet another strange observation on Phupha's part.

He cringed slightly at himself as he drew his hand back. He really wasn't this awkward usually. Why now? Just because the man was attractive? It's not like Phupha didn't work with and occasionally meet other attractive men, why was he any different?

The man, completely unaware of Phupha's inner turmoil, granted him another breathtaking smile. "Nice to meet you, Khun Viriyanon."

Phupha choked.

"Khun Viriyanon?" he stuttered.

At Tian's questioning sound, he hurried to clarify. "You really don't have to call me that, I'm probably not that much older than you," he said. God, he could feel himself flush.

Tian tilted his head as he pursed his lips. "Really? How old are you?" he asked, keeping a polite tone. Phupha did not stare at the man's lips.

"I'm 26," he answered, a little embarrassed. He watched as Tian's eyebrows shot up, and he didn't know whether to be offended or not.

"Whoa, really? I mean you look young, but you have this air about you that made you seem really mature," he said. Then he looked Phupha up and down, pausing. "It might be the suit," he said with a smile.

Phupha chuckled.

Oh my God. Was that flirting? It was a little flirty, right? Oh my God.

He looked away from Tian when he felt a tug on his arm. He looked down to see Daw stare up at him with the widest smile, and he felt his heart swell. He smiled back at her, ruffling her hair a little.

"Hey, sweetie, why don't you go make some friends. I'll try to come and pick you up after school ends." Daw nodded with her cheeky smile and skipped off to meet the other kids. Phupha pulled out his phone again and took a snap of Daw chatting with a girl before sending the photo to his mother.

"It was really nice to meet you," Tian paused, before looking over Phupha's shoulder, "but an alarming number of six-year-olds and their mothers are streaming through that doorway, so can we pick this up later?"

"Oh, yeah of course. I have to get to work myself," Phupha thought quickly.

Phupha gave one last smile before Tian walked away and he searched for Daw to say goodbye. His eyes landed on her, animatedly chatting to an enraptured brunette girl, and smiled proudly. He knew she would get on well with the other kids.

Somehow, Phupha left the school in a good mood. He got into his car and the driver drove him to the company.

After a 30-minute drive, he arrived at the underground parking space which was only for the VIP and other family members or executive personal along with him.

Phupha walked inside the huge building as all the other employees greeted him. They still have that flame of fear inside them when he walked past all those people who were standing there looking at him in fear.

All the employees who were on the way were shocked to see their CEO so calm. But his intimidating look never ceased to send a shiver down their spine. And they don't really know what's actually going on with him, for him to have a calm face like that. Usually, he's so cold with a frown.

As soon as his secretary Lisa saw the CEO walking towards the office room, she greeted him with a pleasant smile on her face and she opened the door to the room for the CEO. Phupha slightly bowed his head in respect as she is older than him, and she had been working here for the past eight years.

Phupha entered inside his office and soon started focusing on his work.

Today was a different day. He didn't feel his usual self but he felt better.

"Okay gentlemen, let's wrap up the meeting here for now and the final meeting will be after the launch. Have a good day everyone," Phupha said as he decided to end the day's meeting about the new product their company will be launching in a month or two.

He was the sole heir of the Phoenix group. A company that accomplished its name all around the world with its fastest growth and specialized products. At the age of 26, he had already become one of the youngest CEOs in the world, who had successfully built up his career and brought up the company to a higher level with his own passion and hard work. And now the Phoenix group heads rose up to one of the biggest and prestigious companies in the country and in the world.

Being the sole heir, he had already made his life different from others as he started working at his company just after he graduated from college, and had to manage the company so far. The unexpected turn in his life when he had to step up and take care of Daw. And also he had to cope with the loss of his father.

He had sacrificed a lot to bring the company to the position they are now and for that, he literally lost his teenage years, where the youngsters used to have fun and play around while studying. But Phupha on the other hand had to go through intense training like his father had ordered since he was gonna take over his father's position one day. And that moment came 3 years back.

Now all the hard work that he had gone through in the past has paid off and the results were fabulous and over the level of exaptations.

"Tell Ken to send the files I asked before to my mail tonight itself. " Phupha informed his secretary as they both walked out of the conference hall where the meeting was held a few moments ago.

"Yes sir," Lisa said in agreement as she accompanied the young CEO to his office where they both separated to their workplaces.

Few hours had passed and now Phupha was getting ready to go back home since all his meetings and other important stuff were taken care of for the day, and the last thing which was on his schedule to pick up Daw from school and head home.

And to see a handsome angel along the way.


Published on
20th June 2021

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the dads out there! To all the men who are acting as a father, grandfather, uncle, and friend. Even to a woman who are the dad and mum to her kid.
This day is dedicated for you. I hope you all enjoyed this beautiful day.

Hope you guys like the story. Vote and comment below, if you do.


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