Chapter 19

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"What happened to all of the pillows?" Phupha's confused voice drifting from Tian's bedroom.Phupha walked out and stopped a few feet away from the couch. He was baffled by what he saw. 

"What's going on here?" Tian and Daw stopped their game and looked up at Phupha.

Daw held her sword out proudly. "I'm Princess Anna trying to get back Queen Elsa to bring back summer! But first I must defeat this giant snow monster to get to her!" Tian and Daw had used all the pillows to set up an elaborate pillow fort in the living room of Tian's condo.

Phupha pointed at Tian with an amused grin. "And I'm guessing you're the giant snow monster?" 

Tian's face reddened. He seemed embarrassed to be caught playing like a little kid. "It was Daw's idea, I swear!"

"Sure, Nhoo, I believe you," He said with a smirk as he took his seat on the couch watched the two loves of his life playing together. He remembered the day when he returned home one day and Daw questioned him about his relationship with Tian.

He had picked up Daw from school like usual. Sometimes if he was busy at the office, Tian would drop her off at home. Daw didn't like the driver picking her up from school. She wanted either her father or grandmother to drive her to and fro from school. But since Tian became close to the family, she accepted his offer to drop her at home at times.

"Daddy?" She asked as Phupha was driving back home.

"What is Khru Tian to Daddy?" Phupha jammed the brakes suddenly and the duo jerked forward. Thank God they were in the residential area so there weren't many cars. He banged his head on the steering wheel in relief.

"Why do you and your grandmother always ask these kinds of questions only when I'm driving?!" He almost yelled. Daw pouted at him in guilt.

"Sorry, Daddy," She said and motioned to him by holding up an imaginary key and zipping her mouth, locking it, and giving it to Phupha. Phupha shook his head. He couldn't stay mad at her. Never. He smiled as he started the car again. He knew he had to tell her about his relationship with Tian. When the duo reached home, Daw got out of the car and ran inside. Phupha followed her. Before she could run upstairs to her room, Phupha called out.

"Daw, let's talk" She stopped at the stairs and turned to look at Phupha. He motioned for her to follow him into the living room and she did. The two sat down on the couch before Phupha took a deep breath.

"Why did you ask me suddenly? About Tian and me?" He asked and Daw pointed at her zipped mouth. Phupha chuckled as he took out the imaginary key from his pocket and opened the lock before unzipping her mouth.

Daw grinned before answering."Well, Khru Tian looks very happy these days, and Daddy too," Daw said and Phupha nodded.

"Okay... so..." Phupha wasn't convinced.

"That day after we went to the park, Daw had heard Daddy say that he likes Tian very much. So Daw gave Khru Tian your phone number to call you. But when I asked, Khru Tian didn't reply anything about it. But after many days, Daw saw Khru Tian always smiling and his cheeks would go red when he looks at his phone. Daddy does it too!" She said and Phupha was surprised that Daw had noticed.

"Why did you give Daddy's number to Tian without Daddy's permission?" He asked in a bit of a stern tone. Daw looked down at the ground, dangling her legs.

"I wanted Daddy to be happy. You told Grandma that you didn't have his phone number yet. And Khru Tian didn't too. So I gave it to him." She said slowly looking up at Phupha, trying to charm him with her smile. She was happy that it was working when she saw Phupha smile.

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