Chapter 8

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"So how long have you and Tian been flirting?" Phupha jammed the brakes suddenly. Thank God there wasn't a car behind them. He turned to stare at his mother in shock.

"Mae!" He almost yelled and turned to look at his daughter still sleeping. She fell asleep as he carried her back to the car after they spoke to Tian at the park. Tian and Alice started chatting and the next minute he knew, the two had dropped the formalities and Alice encouraged Tian to call her, "Mom."

'Well, that wasn't enough for his mother now, was it? She had to bring up another shock rendering question just in the middle of the road!'

Phupha slowly started the car again. "Sorry, my bad. So anyway... you didn't answer my question" Alice pointed out.

Phupha closed his eyes for a second and internally groaned before replying, "Mae, nothing is going on between us." Phupha said and Alice just stared at him.

"What are you looking at me like that?" Phupha asked.

"I see the way you look at Tian. That's the same look your father had when he was courting me." Phupha wanted to bang his head against the steering wheel right now. He seriously didn't want to have this conversation with his mother right now.

"Mae, we haven't exchanged phone numbers yet. There's absolutely nothing." Phupha still tried to avoid the topic. 'Well not 'absolutely'' per se' he thought to himself. 'Was it just him or did Tian actually enjoy those touches back at the park.' Phupha was about to get lost in thought by his mother stopped him.

"You know you can talk me, son," Alice said softly. Looks like luck wasn't on his side, for they were now caught in traffic and he couldn't escape.

Phupha let out a sigh. He looked through the mirror again to see his daughter still sleeping sound.

"I know, Mae. But it's just too soon to tell." Phupha ran his fingers through his hair. He took a deep breath. He knew he had to admit it. He knew it would be better if he did.

"I mean, yeah I'm attracted to him. My heart beats so fast whenever I'm around him and his smile... it just... it takes my breath away. Every time I meet him, I learn something new about him and I just want to pull him into my arms. I've never felt this way for anyone. I want to take care of him. I want him to feel loved that he should feel like the luckiest person on earth." Phupha is lost in a world of imagination that he doesn't see how fondly and lovingly his mother is looking at him right now with tears in her eyes.

"But... I don't really know if he's really into me or whether he's just being a tease and playing with my heart," Phupha snorted thinking of the previous night's experience and the moment they shared in the park.

"Aww, my darling. Don't worry. It's like you said, it's too early to tell. You've met him only a week, but you know in your heart that you've found the one you've been waiting for. Son, I've never seen you look at someone or even talk about someone like that. He's special. And you should follow your heart." Alice said as tears rolled down her cheeks and she looked at her son so lovingly.

"Thank you, Mae. You're the best." Phupha said as he leaned to give his mother a hug.

"Oh my dear, a mother knows her child. I'm always proud of you for always being selfless and I know you deserve someone to love you with all their heart. And I believe that Tian is for you. I spoke to him a couple of times over the past few days when I went to pick Daw up. He's a good person and I'm sure that you both will be perfect and deserving of each other. I believe, that you have found your true love, my son." Now Phupha had tears in his eyes. He nodded and hugged his mother again while Alice coaxed him.

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