Chapter 18

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Phupha rubbed his tired eyes with the inside of his palm as he watched the morning sun pour through the windows. The curtains were half-drawn, adding a warm golden glow to the room.


He turned away from the windows and onto his other side, resting his head in his hand. He watched as the golden hues of the sun danced on the bare skin of the silent sleeper next to him. It was almost therapeutic in a way, like watching the waves wash up gently on the shore. Tian was fast asleep on his stomach with the duvet covering his legs. After Tian passed out in exhaustion, Phupha had cleaned him up and helped him into his boxers.

"You're staring."

Tian's voice pulled Phupha back to reality.

"I am," Phupha admitted.

Tian opened his eyes slowly and glanced at Phupha, who was smiling amusedly back at him. A tender smile escaped his lips as he closed his eyes again.

"Looks like I got carried away again." Phupha thought to himself as he moved one of his hands carefully and he softly dragged his fingers over several love bites that littered Tian's shoulders and neck.

A light giggle came from Tian's lips, and he saw him move a little.

"Mm..." The tired teacher was roused from his sleep with the touch, and Phupha found himself unable to contain any further.

"Good morning, love," Phupha murmured softly and kissed Tian's forehead. Yet another little noise came from Tian, and eventually, those soft brown eyes fluttered open, even if they were stuck a little closed.

"Mm... Good morning, babe..." Tian greeted him. Phupha chuckled softly and grasped his lover's hand. He intertwined his fingers in his and brought it closer to his lips, planting a gentle kiss in his palm. He held his hand and smiled when he felt his lover's grip tighten. Tian winced as he tried to turn on his side which made Phupha concerned.

"Where do you keep the painkillers?" he asked.

"Medicine cabinet in the bathroom," he said and Phupha stood up. Not before long, he came back with a pill and a glass of water. Tian once again winced in pain as he slowly sat up and took the pill. Phupha stood up again to go make breakfast but was stopped by Tian grasping his hand.

"Where are you going?" Tian asked.

"To make breakfast," Phupha said.

"But it's okay 7 am. And it's Sunday for heaven's sake. Come back to bed and cuddle with me," Phupha chuckled at Tian's commanding voice though his face had a pout. Phupha leaned in and kissed Tian's pouted lips before settling in bed next to him. Tian quickly snuggled into him and they both quickly fell asleep.

Phupha woke up again when he felt a soft kiss on his cheek. "You're awake," he heard Tian's voice and Phupha rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He craned his neck to see the time was 9am.

"I thought you wanted to sleep in?" Phupha asked.

"I do. But our last night workout has made me hungry," Phupha chuckled.

"Oh really..." Soft giggles were exchanged, and Tian rolled to be more on top of Phupha. Tian met his smile with a soft kiss to his lips, then another to his cheek, jaw, neck... and further down. Phupha continued with some chuckles, before pushing his lover's face up from his chest, and brushed a thumb over his cheek.

"Someone is still eager..." Phupha said softly, smiling up at the young teacher above him.

A giddy smile covered Tian's face. "Maybe I didn't get enough dessert," Tian responded softly, as he ran his fingertips slowly on Phupha's cheeks. He placed a kiss on Phupha's cheek before he nuzzled up into the crook of his neck, and felt Phupha chuckle in response.

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