Chapter 6

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Phupha turned his head to the right, following Nam's line of vision until his eyes fall on a short man with light-brown hair and eye-liner that made his pretty eyes pop out more. The man is smiling so brightly that Phupha had to blink a few times because wow, that smile sure was beautiful. Honestly, the guy's whole face was fucking gorgeous. It's only been a few days since he hasn't seen him, but now that he does, he can't seem to take his eyes away from him.

"I haven't seen you in ages, Phi," Tian exclaimed as he hugged Nam tightly, the bright smile not leaving his face for a second. Phupha just stood there and stared at the supposed teacher, too mesmerized by his beauty to take his eyes off him. And yes, it all sounded cheesy and stupid, but everybody, literally everybody, must have experienced this feeling at least once in a life – when seeing a person and stared at them like they have hung the moon because they are just so damn beautiful.

Tian's eyes meet Phupha and widen in surprise.

"P'Phu!" He said and Phupha can literally feel his heart skip a beat.

"Oh! You two know each other?" Tian was quick to nod and reply before Phupha who still couldn't find any words to say.

"I'm Daw's class teacher," Tian said as his eyes once again met Phupha's.

"Ohhhh! What a small world! Anyway, Chief this is my cousin brother." Tian turned to look at Nam.


"Oh yeah," Nam chuckled and Phupha rolled his eyes.

"My friends decided to call me "Chief" since college because I was already training for the position of Chief Executive Officer in my company" Phupha's brain cells finally started working. Tian nodded with a smile.

"So what are you doing here?" Nam turned to ask Tian.

"Same as you, Phi! Taking a break!" Tian replied when a hand out of nowhere was rested on Tian's shoulders. And another guy tagged along with him. He stood on the other side of Tian with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey Tian, what took you so long!" The guy who had his hands over his shoulder said.

"Oh, Wadee P'Nam" The two guys pay respect to Nam.

"Wadee. This is my friend, Phupha" Nam replied.

"Oh! P'Phu~pha" the guy who had his hand over Tian's shoulders said as he sneaked a look at Tian who slapped away his hand. The two friends looked at each other before turning to Phupha and Nam again.

"Wadee P'Phupha" they both said and Phupha nodded.

"These are my friends, Longtae and Tul" Tian introduced. So the guy who was practically being a leech is called, Longtae.

"P'Nam long time no see. We would like to talk more, but Tian said that he's on a curfew before we're going home, so we have to make the best out of it," Phupha eyed the way Longtae lightly touched Tian's arm, making him scrunch his nose in distaste when he saw it. Damn it bothered him a lot which made Phupha turned around and gulp down a glass of tequila.

"You can join us if you want to?" Tian wondered what happened to Phupha all of a sudden.

"Not today guys," Nam shook his head which made Phupha smirk at him. Of course, Nam doesn't want to dance unless Jeab is here to join him. Jeab is Nam's fiancé who is a nurse. She couldn't join them today since she was on her shift at the hospital.

"That's a pity, but okay. See you later, Phi!" Tian said as the trio wave to Nam and Phupha before the two friends drag Tian to the center of the dance floor. Tian's eyes lock with Phupha one more time. Tian nods with a smile and lets his friends pull him away. Phupha turned back to the bar and downed another shot.

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