Chapter 17

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Just a bit of heads up for the second half of this chapter!
Warning 🔞

Phupha closed his eyes, turned his face up against the sun, and smiled. He had every reason to smile. After a stressful and tiring week at the office, he was finally relaxed. It was a beautiful Saturday and he was casually strolling into Siam Mall hand in hand with Tian, his boyfriend. Thinking those words "my boyfriend" made him feel all warm and bubbly inside. Glancing over at Tian he noticed that he too had a content little smile playing about his lips, and the tufts of brown hair peeking out from underneath his beanie. Tian felt Phupha's eyes on him and his smile widened a little, and Phupha felt an affectionate squeeze on his hand.

As they approached the first floor, Phupha observed Tian's eyes being drawn towards a men's clothing store that seemed very promising. And he eagerly tugged on Phupha's arm, steering them towards it.

"Anything interesting, Nhoo..." Phupha laughed.

"I'm just gonna look!" Tian said a statement neither of them believed. "Okay, maybe just a little something," he grinned.

Browsing inside, Tian realized that sticking to "just a little something" might be difficult. Their selection was excellent, and he found at least a dozen things that would make great additions to his wardrobe, and he happily carried them off to the changing area, with Phupha patiently waiting outside and giving his opinion on each item when Tian showed it off.

"Chief, this shirt was slightly too big, could you get it for me in a smaller size," Tian asked, handing Phupha the shirt he'd been trying on.

"Alright. Where did you get it?" He asked him.

"Over there, by that corner." Tian pointed out. Phupha left and quickly returned with the shirt, and entered the changing room.

Tian blushed, his bare torso being exposed to Phupha for the first time, but he didn't object. He actually felt rather pleased with himself as he noticed the admiring look in Phupha's eyes.

As Tian slipped his arms inside the shirt and tugged it up over his shoulders, Phupha stepped up close behind him. Smoothing down the collar, Phupha then proceeded to button the shirt at the neck, his hands softly moving down over Tian's chest, fastening button by button. Tian could feel his breath, warm against the back of his neck, and his nose was gently nuzzling against his ear.

"It looks great on you," Phupha said quietly. "It brings out the color in your eyes."

Tian leaned back against Phupha's chest, hiss arms closing about his waist.

"Really?" Tian asked, meeting Phupha's eyes in the changing room mirror.

"Really."Tian turned in his arms, putting his own around Phupha and resting his cheek on his shoulder, looking up at him. Phupha's hands gently caressed his back.

"The quality is great, too..." Phupha whispered.

"It's really soft."

"Yeah..." Tian agreed. "Maybe I should buy it..."


Tian lifted his head and pressed his lips against Phupha's, feeling his heart flutter as Phupha's mouth opened and allowed him inside. The kiss was soft but eager, and Tian could feel heat spreading all over his body. Phupha's large hands cupped his cheeks, while Tian let his own settle on Phupha's hips.Breaking the kiss, Phupha rested his forehead against Tian's.

"Chief," he said breathlessly. "I was thinking...would you like to spend the night at my place?" Phupha smiled.

"Sure," he said and Tian was a bit surprised. He felt deep in his gut and his heart that he was ready and most definitely willing to take the next step with Phupha. And that feeling only intensified when Phupha smiled that smile of his that made his eyes crinkle. Phupha was surprised himself with how easily the answer came. He felt that he was ready for the next step too.

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