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All I can do is stare. I still can't believe that this happened. After everything we've been through, turns out that she is an SM spy. Life is a joke.

I don't know what to feel, I don't know what to think. What's going to happen next?

"Hey." Seungyoon whispers to me.

I tilt my head to meet his gaze.

"Do you know about this?" he asks

"Of course I know. Hyunsuk sajangnim told us--"

"No. I mean way before that."

I stare at him for awhile. Of course I don't know. I frequently hang out with Jennie but there's nothing odd about her.

"No." I answer shortly.

Seungyoon nods and stares to the front again. What does he mean? What is he talking about? Does he really think that I know about all of this? Oh... or maybe... Is it because I secretly sneak out last night?

Something was clearly wrong yesterday. Jennie didn't answer my chat the whole day. Not to mention the way she treated me in the office. She had been ignoring me. 

Who even dare to interrupt Hyunsuk sajangnim's meeting? There were senior artists there and all of us got kicked out just because of her. I didn't know what exactly she said to Hyunsuk sajangnim but later that night he personally visited Winner's dorm.

He tried to give a short explanation about what was happening and we came to a conclusion that Jennie is a spy from SM.

Everybody was speechless. Out of everybody, it has to be Jennie. The new talented trainee, one of the candidates for blackpink. 

My head was spinning. I remember the moments we had shared. Is it really her?

I still couldn't believe it so after Hyunsuk sajangnim left, I decided to secretly go to blackpink's dorm. Jennie was nowhere to be found. The rest of the members were a wreck. They didn't know the consequences that Jennie will face after she told Hyunsuk sajangnim the truth.

 The letters were already taken by the staffs after they checked Jennie's room but being there, being with Jisoo, Lisa, and Chaeyoung, listening to their stories... it's enough for me to finally believe that Jennie is a spy. She's the one who is responsible of the rumors.

Until now, like I said, I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should hate her, I don't know if I should defend her, I don't know if I should talk to her, I just don't know.



Everybody watches as Jennie breakdown to tears. Some is angry with the fact that she is a spy, some is disappointed because she's very talented, and some is still trying to understand what is going on.

"I forgive you." Hyunsuk ,who is still in his own thoughts, tilts his head to search for the voice. Who can forgive Jennie for what she had done?

In the trainees table, there she stands, Jina. She holds her head high. She silently wanders if she's doing the right thing. Forgiving Jennie, who took her chance to debut.

She bravely walks to the mini stage. Jennie quickly wipes her tears as the older girl nears her.

"It must have been hard right Jennie? I'm so proud that you are brave enough to stand here right now and tell us about the truth." Jina wraps Jennie in a warm hug and starts patting her back. Jina is surprised herself. She doesn't know how the words flow easily from her mouth. She smiles at herself. Finally, she knows what she's going to do next.

 Jennie doesn't try to stop her tears. She hugs Jina back and cries to her shoulder.

It is hard. It has been very hard for her. Last night when she was alone in the new dorm. She was devastated. She was ready to give up on everything.

People start to whisper at the interaction. They are probably wondering how could Jina forgive Jennie.

Lisa starts to squirm in her sit. She badly wants to go to the stage like Jina did. She wants to comfort her older sister but she knows she can't do it. Hyunsuk sajangnim is watching Jina and Jennie closely. Lisa doesn't want to cause more problem for Jennie.

"And about your last request I'm afraid I can't do it." Jina says. Jennie tilts her head and sees her unnie smiling gently toward her.

The whispers start to get louder. Is Jina crazy? Jennie is giving her a chance to debut but she rejects it? The other trainees will do anything to have the chance.

"After 10 years of training, I realized that I enjoy dancing, I enjoy singing but I want to do something else." Jina smiles. Her eyes are twinkling with excitement as she finally tells her dreams.

"Therefore, I'm planning to stop being a trainee, and continue my study. What do you think?"



I sob harder as I listen to Jina. She... is she really doing it? I... I can't believe it. I hug her tighter and finally say "That's amazing unnie. You'll be successful. I believe in you."

Jina is 100% sure of her decision. I can see it in her eyes. If she really wants it, then I'll support her. That's the least that I can do after she decided to forgive me.

Jina's smile gets wider after hearing my words. She wipes my tears and holds my hand.

"I'm sure you will to. Trust me." she whispers so only the both of us can hear it. She sends me a last smile and leaves the stage to go back to her sit. She bows shortly at Papa YG as she passes him.

I thought that I will be alone again in the stage but somebody replaces Jina. It's Jisoo. The room becomes dead silent. I panic as I see her. What is she doing here? Is she even allowed to do this? She's putting herself at risk.

I take a quick glance to Chaeyoung and Lisa. They give me a smile and a small nod. What is this? Did they plan on something?

"Before all of you start to talk bad about Jennie, I just want to remind you that she's very brave." Jisoo sends a quick smile at me.

"She's very brave because she confessed everything. In front of everyone. Hyunsuk sajangnim, YG officials, artists and even trainees. I bet none of you have half of her braveness. On the contrary, all of you should have thank her. Thank her for being honest even though she knew the consequences. Jennie had a choice. She could stay quiet and still debut with blackpink but she chose to confess her mistakes."

I stare blankly at Jisoo. She is... defending me... Tears continue to run down my face. I can't express my thankfulness to have her here in the stage with me.

"And lastly. I'm sure all of us can relate to Jennie. The desperation to debut. She was also new to Korea. She knew nothing." Jisoo pauses.

She takes a deep breath.

"I haven't known Jennie for long but I think it's enough to know that she's a kind person. She has a soft heart and she cares for others. She's also very talented and passionate. She will make a perfect member for blackpink. Our last member."

My breaths hitch. What? I raise my head to look at Jisoo. She's staring right into Papa YG and other YG officials. 

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