Chapter 11

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It's so cold outside. I'm walking home with Luca beside me. I didn't even realize how the days passed so fast. It's now the last week of November. Winter is coming..

"So, will you join us tomorrow?"- Luca asks looking at me. He's talking about a festival that takes place here every year.

It's basically a festival where people celebrate about the season changing and it's called 'Goodbye fall, Welcome winter'. It's pretty obvious actually.

"Yes, of course. I'm so excited, I've never been in an event like that before"- I say excitedly. Luca smiles.

"Great! I'm sure you're gonna love it"- he says as we walk closer to my house. -"The girls are gonna pick you up at seven. Me and Aiden will be waiting for you guys there"- he adds.

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow then"- I say giving him a hug. -"Yeah. Take care of yourself"- he says hugging me back. I nod with a smile and walk towards my house.

Luca is one of the nicest guys I know, and he's also a very good friend. I'm glad I met him.

I walk inside the house. Kate is not back yet so I decide to make something to eat. After I've eaten I walk to my room. I sit in front my desk and begin to do some school work.

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It's currently 8 p.m. I'm sitting on the couch reading a book. Kate came back from work and is now in the kitchen doing something.

The doorbell rings, -"Heaven, that must be Sophie. Can you please open the door, I'm busy"- my sister shouts from the kitchen. What is she doing anyways.

"Got it"- I say as I make my way to the front door. I open it and I'm met with our neighbors. Sophie, and of course Kyle. -"Hi Heaven"- Sophie says giving me a quick hug.

"Hi"- I say as she walks past me. Kyle winks at me and walks in as well. I feel my cheeks hit up a little.

Even though I know that's the way he acts around everyone I'm still not used to it. They enter the living room and Kyle plops on the couch.

"Hey guys"- my sister says walking in with food in her hands. She places the plate with vegetables and cheese tartlets on the small table. So that's what she was doing.

"Hey gal"- Sophie says and they both sit on the other couch. I walk back to where I was sitting, Kyle now sitting there as well. He's reading the book I had left there.

I snatch the book from his hands and I apologetically smile as I sit down next to him. Our sisters start chatting about something but I don't pay attention as I go back to reading.

"Yayy we're gonna have so much fun"- I hear Sophie say, stealing my attention. -"What are you guys talking about?"- I ask as I put my book on the table in front of me.

"The winter festival"- Sophie responds. Kyle seems uninterested, he's just scrolling through his phone. -"Ohh I can't wait"- I say happily.

"Wait you're going too?"- Kyle asks putting his phone in his pocket. -"Yep, I've never been to a festival before"- I say nodding.

"Aren't you going?"- I ask, he shrugs. -"I'm sure you're gonna love it"- my sister says. -"Yes Heaven, so make sure to have fun with your friends"- Sophie says excitedly.

"Your friends? So you're gonna be there with that dochebag Luca"- Kyle says making a disgusted face.

"He is NOT a dochebag, he's my friend. Stop calling him that. You don't even know him"- I say glaring at him.

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