Chapter 32

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Kyle's POV


Heaven's mouth is open, her eyes glossy and her hands are shaking. Shit. I can't believe this is happening. -"Heaven I can explain"- I say rushing my words out.

I look at her and see pain flair up in her eyes. She doesn't give me a chance to speak as she dissappears downstairs. Shit. Shit. Shit. -"What did you do?"- I yell at Stacy. -"If I can't have you then no one can"- she says.

She ruined everything. -"Fuck you"- I say. I quickly put on a shirt and start running after Heaven. This can't be happening. I don't want to lose her. I can't let that happen. -"Heaven wait!"- I shout but she quickly enters her house and slams the door before I can get in...

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Heaven's POV

I'm in my room laying on my bed. I'm only thinking about Kyle. I wonder what he has planned for our date. I just know it's gonna be perfect. I love him so much.

I get a notification on my phone, pulling me out of my thoughts. It's a text from Kyle. I swipe my finger on the screen and open the text.

Come over

Right now?
Our date isn't until later

I need you

Something feels off. I quickly get up and head to his house. I hope he's okay. I enter his house and run to his room. What I see next breaks my heart into a million pieces.

Kyle is shirtless. Stacy has her hands on his chest and what's worse than that is that they're kissing. A gasp escapes my mouth as soon as I see them.

Kyle pushes her and looks at me terrified. My vision becomes blurry and all I want to do is run. Run as far from here as possible. -"Heaven I can explain"- he says but his voice is too much for me.

I collect my heart from the floor and with the little strength I have left I start running away. I run as fast as I can. I have to get home before he can reach me.

"Heaven wait!"- I hear him call after me but I won't stop. Come on Heaven, just a few more steps and you're gonna be safe. I keep thinking as I finally enter the house and use all my force to shut the door.

No luck. I couldn't lock it on time and he enters the house easily. -"Leave me alone"- I yell crying. -"Let me explain, please"- he sounds desperate but I don't care. -"No"- I say and gasp for air. I'm a mess.

He walks towards me but I don't want him to touch me. -"Get away from me"- I say. Where's Kate? I need her. She's home. I know she is.

"I'm sorry, I won't come any closer. Just let me explain"- he says with hopeful eyes. -"How could you do this to me?"- I ask and it becomes hard to breathe. A piercing pain hurts my lungs whenever I try to breathe in.

"This is a huge misunderstanding. Please believe me"- he begs. Liar. Liar. Liar. That's what he is. A Liar. -"Why? Why did you do this? Why did you say that you liked me in the first place? How can you play with me like that? I gave you my love and everything that comes along with it"- I say wiping away my tears.

"I didn't play with you. I love you. Just listen to me"- he says coming close to me again. This time I let him. He has to be close to me so I can do what I'm planning on doing. Once he's close enough, I slap him.

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