Chapter 1 ♣

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Mark hated going to job interviews. They sucked ass. Seriously.

Luckily enough for him, he gets to go to another! What fun. He was applying for a marketing position for a big coffee company. Nice Coffee Time or some bullshit like that.

He wasn't really interested in a job, particularly this one, but he needed something to pay his bills.

As he approached the building, he couldn't help but wonder what secrets laid within such a huge building. It looked like an ordinary office building skyscraper, but the windows were all one way, the main lobby desolate and void of living things. It looked like a waiting room for hell, with the sleek black marble and red velvety chairs.

He pressed the button for the elevator, the instructions from the email still clear in his head to head to the twenty third floor and sign in with the receptionist.

The elevator was one way glass along the side facing out, the rest a white marble with gold accents. As he went up, the glass wall allowed him to see the cityscape. It became more and more beautiful the higher he went, everything becoming smaller than life as he felt like he was on top of the world.

Then the elevator stopped, letting on another passenger to ascend with it. The passenger beside Mark had honey like skin, a slightly longer hairstyle with his natural black hair color, and God like visuals that could knock anyone dead in seconds. He was a wearing a high end suit, a mischievous smile splayed across his face as he greeted Mark.

"It's a nice view, huh?" The man said, joining Mark near the windowed wall. "I'm Ten by the way. Are you the new employee?"

Mark shook his head, stepping away from the stranger. "I'm just here for an interview. I probably won't even make it through. I've gone to like eight in the past two weeks and didn't make any of them."

Ten smiled, turning towards the doors as they opened to the floor Mark needed to be on. "Good Luck! Dont stress too much, Doyoung is very kind. If you vibe with him, you're sure to make it through, alright? Tell him you've got Ten's stamp, okay?"

The elevator doors shut.

Mark shrugged it off, turning around to the sprawling office area. Directly in front of him was a reception desk, a glass wall behind it, separating the work space. The receptionist himself was very handsome, pale skin, soft and sweet looks that would make any reasonable person swoon like crazy from one look. He was wearing more casual work clothes than Ten, but he still maintained that same professionalism without an entire suit.

"Hello there! Are you the interviewee, Lee Mark perhaps?" The man smiled when he received a nod, typing something quite fast into his computer before standing up. "I'm Jungwoo, the receptionist here. I'm gonna take you to Doyoung, and if everything goes well, I'll be giving you the official tour soon enough, okay?"

Jungwoo walked out behind the desk, his impressive height now prevalent as he lead Mark through the office area towards the private offices in the back.

Mark could see the entire floor as they walked by. Each worker seemed to have their own space, a large space, where they were free to fill it as they pleased. Some had cubicles that they slaved away at, aching necks and hunched backs accompanying them. Some had bean bag chairs or hammocks, standing desks, floor desks, no desks- there was plenty of unusual sights to see here.

They reached the private offices in the back, five in total, each with white marble walls and a frosted glass door. Jungwoo stopped and knocked on the door with the nameplate "Kim Dong-young" on the outside. "Doyoungie! Mark Lee is here for his interview."

Jungwoo opened the door and motioned for Mark to sit, closing it behind him.

The office was quite plain in decorations, nothing too standout in appearance. The desk was a dark type of wood, a beautiful man with incredibly nice hands sitting facing towards the door. There was a comfortable looking antique chair on the opposing side of the man, which Mark quickly took a seat in.

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