Chapter 7 ❤️

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Mark and Jisung agreed to that Friday night. Jisung put Mark in charge of the date, since Mark was supposed to be trying to win him over in his mind.

Mark didn't really know what to do, so he settled for a trip to an art walk that was happening, and a skyride over the city. He was desperately hoping Jisung would enjoy it, but he didn't know what Jisung liked.

The two met in the lobby, and they were both wearing quite casual going out clothes, as per Mark's request.



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The heeled thigh boots were what surprised Mark the most. He certainly wasn't expecting Jisung to be someone who liked heels, but Mark thought they suited him really well. Although, it did make the already taller Jisung much taller than Mark due to the height it added.

"You look..." Mark began, his heart thumping when Jisung walked over to him. Jisung winced, waiting for an insult, but it never came. "Really nice. Those heels suit you well."

"Oh, uh, thanks. I like the color coordination on your end," Jisung said. And he really did mean it, which surprised himself. He was going into this thinking Mark was gonna be a walking dumpster fire he had to put up with for a few hours.

"So where are we headed?" Jisung asked, following Mark towards the door.

Mark held the door open for Jisung. "It's a surprise." The two made their way to Mark's car, driving towards their destination. The car ride was quiet, almost silent except for the small rumbles of the car. Mark pulled into his destination, walking to the other side of the car and opening the door for Jisung.

"So what are we doing?" Jisung asked, straightening out his clothes.

"I didn't really know what you like, so I brought us to an art walk! There's a bunch of sculptures and the art gallery has a bunch of paintings and such in it. I know, not the greatest first date, but I was at least really looking forward to showing you something I love."

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