Chapter 3 ♦️

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The next few weeks flew by for Mark as he settled into the daily office life. He got to work with his team a bit more, and found they were really nice and caring people, always willing to help out or do simple and nice gestures for him.

He continued to get lunch with Jungwoo, and the interns when they were there, after which they would just hang at his apartment until they had to go back to work. Today was no different, but they instead decided to order in ahead of time since the interns weren't in today. So here they sat, eating their lunch at Mark's table.

"Before we have to go back," Jungwoo said, "do you wanna watch this new show with me? It's an office drama where this boy falls in love with his boss, but she constantly rejects him."

Mark nodded. The worker sounded invasive and annoying, but he felt himself willing to do anything, even watching a bad drama, to spend more time with Jungwoo.

Jungwoo was first to the couch, sitting on it and immediately grabbing a pillow to hug, which was a habit Mark noticed he always did when he was over. Mark sat at the end, far enough from Jungwoo for them each to have their personal space bubbles not touch. Jungwoo grabbed the remote off the table and flipped to netflix to watch the show. Once he had it up, he hugged the pillow tighter, resting his head cutely atop it.

As soon as it really started, Jungwoo got up. "Can I grab a water from your fridge?" He asked, receiving a nod from Mark.

When Jungwoo sat back down, he sat much closer to Mark, so much so that there was only a pillow's distance between them. Jungwoo went back to hugging his pillow, watching the show much more than Mark was.

Mark was watching the older, stealing glances at Jungwoo every chance he got. Jungwoo grabbed the remote and paused the show, turning towards Mark. "I'm sorry- can we watch something else? I don't like this as much as I thought I would."

Mark nodded along in approval, more captivated by Jungwoo's beautiful and pleading eyes than anything that could play on the TV. Jungwoo clicked the remote until he found a new horror/thriller show, hoping it would be enough motivation for Mark to make a move.

Around twenty minutes in was the first scare, one that made Jungwoo hide his face into the pillow. Mark internally cooed at the older, finding his reaction so adorable. It invoked a feeling of protectiveness in Mark, and he subconsciously moved closer towards Jungwoo.

After the next scare happened, Jungwoo turned into Mark, moving close enough to hide his face within the younger's arm.

Mark couldn't describe the fluttering of his heart as they made eye contact. He'd be even less able to describe how the feeling of Jungwoo's lips on his sent him on a cloud nine like no other.

It was soft, peaceful, and sense of pure bliss for both of them, like this kiss was their souls intertwining at last. Jungwoo pulled away, leaving them both smiling like crazy. They had become quite close after so many lunches together.

Mark was a smiling mess from just one kiss, and he held a lot of restraint not to kiss Jungwoo again. "Can I ask you something?"

Jungwoo nodded, his smile sending such wholesome vibes to Mark, his entire being going soft at the sight. "Can I take you out for dinner on Saturday? Like I know we're not quite supposed to being doing this, but I think I'm really falling for you, Jungwoo."

"We can't get in trouble if no one knows."


Saturday came around and Mark was more nervous than ever. This was his first date with someone in a long while, and they had to keep it under wraps.

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