Chapter 27

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He was cashing in the date for later this week. With everything returning to a sense of normalcy, it felt appropriate to take the break from obsessing over work and have fun for a night.

A night with Jeno.

Chenle nearly invited himself when he heard, but Jeno took control over that quickly. It was the first time Mark ever saw Jeno get so possessive over anyone, but more surprisingly him.

Mark smiled to himself thinking about it as he rode the elevator to lunch. Hyuck/Haechan (co-fronting) were attached to his arm at the moment making love eyes at him.

"Mark," Haechan, he could tell by the tone, said playfully. "We never got our one on one in the bedroom." He pouted and kissed Mark's cheek. "You owe me soon."

Mark kissed his forehead. "Soon. I promise you Haechan and Hyuck."

"I heard a rumor floating around," Hyuck said, "that you wanted to make things official with all of us. Even more so than before."

Mark smiled as the doors opened. "I do."

"What's the hold up then?" Haechan replied.

Mark kissed Haechan and Hyuck's forehead yet again. "There isn't one. I love you. I love both of you."

"Catch me," Hyuck said, his knees buckling. Mark caught him in a swoop and tried to keep him as upright as possible.

"And he's out," Haechan said, steadying himself. "I doubt he'll be back anytime soon." Haechan bit his lip nervously. "Sorry about that though. Hyuck was controlling the body. Took me a sec to take over."

"No worries Haechannie," Mark said, opening the door and holding it like a gentleman.

"Did you mean that though? Sincerely?"

Mark smiled cheesily and shut the door softly. "With all my heart, I love you."

"EXCUSE ME WHAT?" Jaemin said poking his head around the corner. "YOU WHAT?"

Mark smiled as he walked over to the shirtless Jaemin and pulled him under his arm. "I love Haechan. I love Hyuck. I love you."

"Oh I'm going to faint," Jaemin said, his knees buckling much like Donghyuck had just moments ago. Mark and Haechan helped Jaemin to steady himself, but there was the biggest smile Mark had yet to see coming from Jaemin. "You mean it? Like seriously?"

"Why does everyone keep doubting my declaration?" Mark pouted as they reached the kitchen with the most wonderful smell wafting towards them. "First Jeno, now you two."

"Ooh what happened?" Chenle asked from the counter. He was sitting on the counter beside Jisung's computer, playing with Jisung's hair as the younger typed away.

"Mark said-" Haechan started but Mark quickly stopped him.

"Let's wait for everyone and then I'll say it again."

"RENJUNNIE!" Chenle yelled into the other room. Out came Renjun from his room, clearly as a little who just came from playing with his toys. "Junnie we need to speak to the big you. Is there any chance that could happen?"

Renjun shook his head before noticing Jaemin and Haechan attached to Mark. He ran over and pushed the other two off and dragged Mark to his room. This had become a common occurrence more recently whenever Renjun was a little. He wouldn't acknowledge Jaemin or Jeno but instead drag Mark to his room to play and gossip.

Haechan burst open the door after them and Renjun squeaked and hid behind Mark. "Injunnie now is not the time for these silly games. Age back up so we can talk to the real Renjun."

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