Chapter 25 ♣️

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It would take everyone a while to get over the loss of their lover, and even those who weren't close to him spent most of their time comforting those who were.

The production team and Taeyong were MIA, and the rest of the workers tried to carry the office work on their shoulders.

Especially Mark. He was a workaholic and perfectionist before, but he basically became the whole marketing team while the rest picked up the production team's work as well as some of the DR team's work.

Mark was more than capable to do everything, had it been individual tasks he was assigned. Since everything was there at once and essentially all for him to do, it was overwhelming most days for him. He pushed through the weeks but it cost him all his free time, and the time he spent with the others.

Jisung and Hyuck would come sleep with him sometimes, but after the first few nights of Mark staying up until two to finish his work, they decided to sleep elsewhere most of the time.

And the long hoped for day came when some of the production team members were feeling well enough to start working again.

That was the first time Mark had gotten a good night of rest, and the next day was the first time he was able to try and eat lunch with the others.

If they would have him at this point.

He still hadn't resolved most of his issues with some of them, but given everything that happened, he was hoping they'd be willing to at least talk.

He waited until he knew they had all arrived already before going up and knocking on the door to Jeno's floor.

There was a moment before the door opened to reveal a shirtless Jaemin, who looked more than surprised to see Mark.

But Mark couldn't meet the younger's eyes, instead keeping his own glued to the floor. "I'm sor-"

Jaemin hugged him tightly. "Are you okay?" Mark blinked several times as Jaemin gave him a little space. "Jisung and Hyuck told us how worried they were that you were overworking yourself, and you haven't stopped by to see any of the rest of us so-"

Mark hugged Jaemin tightly. He missed the affection and the hug was what he needed. "I'm sorry for everything. Sorry for making you all worried, sorry for lying, for keeping things, for pushing you all away-"

Jaemin squeezed him tightly. "Stop apologizing already." Jaemin stepped away and brought him into the apartment, where everyone was now standing by the front of the kitchen seemingly eavesdropping on the conversation.

Chenle and Renjun ran up to him and nearly squeezed him to death in a hug until Jaemin and Jisung managed to pry them off, with the youngest sneaking in more than a few hugs. Then Donghyuck got to him and hugged him tightly, refusing to get off no matter how much prying and pleading there was.

When they finally did manage that, there was only Jeno left at the back, simply watching everything.

Mark didn't even know what came over him. Usually he's not the forward type, but he practically ran to Jeno and hugged him tightly. And before he knew it he was sobbing out apologies and everyone else gathered to the hug with Mark at the center.

"I missed you," Jeno said softly, once Mark had calmed down. "The food will get cold, we should go eat." He voice was soft, despite the nag. Jaemin and Hyuck both chided Jeno for cutting the sappy reunion short, but everyone was thankful that they decided to eat the food while it was warm.

Mark took his usual seat between Jaemin and Chenle. Normally he was grateful for being between the two, but with Jaemin lacking a shirt, he could feel his face getting hot every time he noticed Jaemin in his peripheral.

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