Shorts Series (2)

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This is my filler for real chapters for a bit. Some fluffy (or smutty ;) moments around the office of member combinations you might not see often (or maybe do) but just away from focusing on Mark.


"Good morning," Doyoung said softly. Last night, Sungchan had spent the night with him after an argument with Shotaro. "How are you feeling?"

Sungchan shrugged from his spot on the bed. "Still feeling shitty about it."

Doyoung snuggled his face into Sungchan's neck. "You two will figure it out- you always do."

"I've never seen him so mad though." He found Doyoung's hand under the blanket. "His face was red and he was speaking really fast and angrily in Japanese."

"Everything's gonna be alright. Do you want me to talk to him about it?" Doyoung offered, kissing Sungchan's neck affectionately.

"No it was my fault... I need to talk to him about it... And I need to apologize. I can't believe I said something so terrible to him... I'm such-"

"Shh. No talking bad about yourself," Doyoung warned. "You made a stupid mistake, sure. But you are wonderful and you can heal things with Shotaro."


"I just can't believe he would say something so mean, Yuta. It's like he wanted to hurt me-"

Yuta pulled him into a tight hug. "Hey hey, you're getting worked up."

Shotaro nodded and took deep breaths. "Sorry. It's just- why would he say that?"

"Because he was upset and hurt. Just like you were and are." Yuta held his arms around Shotaro's waist, resting his head on the younger's shoulder.

"But still-"

"But you feel hurt. And you should. But the two of you should talk things out. It's probably the best way to resolve this, Taro."

Shotaro nodded. "Alright. I guess you're right."

Yuta picked his head up. "Guess? I know I'm right." He snuggled his face into the crook of Shotaro's neck. "Everything will be fine."


Alright no fluff here. I wanted to show an argument, because with a relationship this big... There's bound to be some no matter how close partners may be.

Anyways I'm alive :)
Tired all the time, but alive.
How have you all been?

Stay Wonderful y'all! <3

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