Sorry to Say

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Hey guys... I know it's been a while, a really really long while, so sorry about that! But, uh, a lot has happened with me.

Anywho I'll get straight to the point, I'm sorry to say I won't be completing this story. I'm sorry that I didn't announce this sooner, but like I said I've had a lot of things going on and this was something that slipped my mind until recently.

I'll be leaving the story up as is, and, again, I'm very sorry that I won't be completing it.

I hope everything is well with you all, I'm doing pretty okay myself given all the things that have happened to me. I'm still an nctzen but definitely more casual to NCT and just kpop as a whole. Mostly just listen to the tunes, buy an album here or there, like the posts that pop up, and occasionally watch a video or two. (This is compared to hardcore me era when I was watching every video that came out for NCT and SVT and liking every post from the official accounts and members as often as I could, and buying all the album versions that I could find in nearby stores).

Again sorry about this. Again, hope all is well with you all. I won't be saying goodbye to writing or to this account, another story may pop up someday, but at the least I'm saying goodbye to this story. I will certainly keep writing in my free time, just more for myself than for others!

Thank you for everyone who's supported the story or read it to its impromptu end, genuinely I would've quit the story early on had I not had people who interacted with the story!

And as always, and for the final time of this story,

Stay Wonderful y'all!

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