Chapter 22 ❤️

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They talked for what felt like hours during dinner, opting to eat outside in the garden and watch the sunset over the valley. Even when the stars and the moon glistened over the valley, they laid together to stargaze.

It was perfect.


"Mhm?" Mark readjusted to face Taeyong. There was a small gap between them, but neither moved to close it yet.

"Do you wanna go to bed?" Taeyong's voice was soft, hushed as he turned to face Mark.

"I don't want today to be over yet."

Taeyong closed the gap between their bodies, their faces less than a few inches apart. "Who said going to bed was today being over?" Taeyong leaned in real close, but placed his lips beside Mark's ear. "Tonight is just getting started." Taeyong moved his face back, just to be met with a soft yet bold kiss on the lips. "Oh? Coming on so strong, so quickly?"

Mark laughed lightly as he held their faces close. "Now I can tell people I made the first official move."

Taeyong brought their faces apart and stood up, offering Mark his hand, however once Mark was on his feet, Taeyong pulled him close, whispering lightly in his ear, "you won't tell anyone." Before Mark could get his mind around that, Taeyong was leading them back to the house and upstairs to his bedroom. "Sit on the bed," Taeyong ordered.

He folded his arms and rolled his eyes. "Oh? And who put you in charge-" Mark was interrupted by a kiss on the lips. Before he knew it, he was sitting on the bed with Taeyong now leering over him, like a tiger waiting to pounce on his prey.

However Mark pouted his lip slightly and stared off into the distance, causing Taeyong to hesitate. "What?" Taeyong asked, feeling a tad bit defensive.

"I'm not sure." Mark let out a long sigh as he stood up. "It's not your fault or anything... I just..." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair as he walked over to the window in the room. "I'm in the mood one moment and then sometimes it suddenly just disappears from me."

Taeyong joined him from behind, giving him a gentle back hug and placing his hands into Mark's. "That's perfectly okay, Mark. It happens to everyone." Taeyong put his head on Mark's shoulder and joined him in gazing outside. "But if it keeps happening, you might want to talk to a doctor. A low sex drive could mean there's something wrong with your health, or it could mean nothing. But it's better to be safe and check."

Mark leaned his head against Taeyong's. "Thank you for understanding... and sorry I ruined it."

Taeyong squeezed him close. "Don't apologize, you didn't ruin anything and it's not your fault."


The next day went by faster than Mark would've liked. Taeyong had brought him down to the village to sightsee his hometown, and they finished the tour off with a picnic in the meadow on the edge of town.

It was truly a date straight out of a romance novel, and it got even better when they got back home. Taeyong cooked once again, and they ate beside the miniature lake in the yard.

Before long, their plates were forgotten as they swam about, playing, teasing, and at one point nearly drowning.

That was when Mark called it quits and sat outside the water. He watched as Taeyong continued swimming playfully. "You really like swimming, huh?"

Taeyong nodded happily, moving to float on his back. "I've been swimming since I was young. I wanted to be an Olympic swimmer but that dream ended pretty quick."

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