❤️ Thank You!! ❤️

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Hey everyone, it's me the writer, Maei! I wanted to sincerely say thank you guys for the support with this story, and we're about to hit 5k reads, and almost 300 likes!

Honestly, I would've ended this story as incomplete a while ago when I stopped writing, but recently it seems to be gaining traction! I'll be honest, when it comes to writing, I'm incredibly non-committal and tend to drop some great ideas halfway through or right at the start. I lose inspiration for one story and quickly hop to the next when I struggle with a section. And I'm terrible at being coherent in my stories so please don't go searching through for plot holes or gaps or discrepancies, because I'm aware there's probably a lot.

[also if you like my writing and want to see more while waiting for the next update, I have another story called "The Harem Trials" and it's about the three different subunits in a fantasy world with a lot of kingdoms.]

Anywho, enough of my tangent and all that!

How are you wonderful people doing? I hope all is well, and that things are going good, however I am painfully aware of how bad things can be. If things are bad, things are shit, and you need someone random to talk to, you can always DM me and I'll try my best to help. Along with that, there are plenty of help hotlines if you feel it comes to that. Everyone, please stay safe and healthy. And please do remember how wonderful of a person you are and that this world is better with you in it. I may not know who's on the other side of this screen, but I can tell you that you are amazing and wonderful and beautiful and probably a very lovely person. Yes, I do mean you. Cause I know you think I mean the general audience reading this, but no, I mean you. The singular person reading this.

Now to the general audience, you guys are the reason I keep writing and posting. I do a lot of short stories in my free time, which I share with my friends and family, and I'm working towards writing a book of short stories. Writing on here gives me inspiration and lets me practice my style to hone it in better and experiment with my writing. So thank you for this journey. Truly, sincerely, thank you.

Please stay healthy and happy, and, as always,

💚💚 Stay Wonderful y'all 💚💚

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