Chapter 9 ♦️

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Mark readied himself for this date, rather enthusiastically considering how he was feeling the day before.

He finally let Jisung in, and talked to him. Jisung understood, and said that didn't change how he felt at all. He was glad Mark was going to be more authentic going forward.

Currently, the two were trying to pick out Mark's outfit. Although Mark found it hard when all Jisung would do is compliment him and tell him his ass looked good in just about everything he put on.

Mark was wearing something rather flashy currently, frowning in the mirror.

"You're going for a picnic in the park, not clubbing 'till dawn. But your ass-"

"Don't finish that-" Mark scolded.


"Jisung!" Mark scolded, turning around to glare. "Don't fucking finish that."

"Great," Jisung said.

Mark chased him down threatening to throw just about anything he could hold at the boy. Finally, Mark got a hold of him, and they both fell onto the couch, with Jisung atop Mark.

Mark frowned, trying to wiggle Jisung off of himself. "You're not being helpful Jisung!" Mark said, sighing in defeat as Jisung wouldn't budge.

Jisung leaned down for cuddles, snuggling his face beside Mark's neck. "And you're worrying too much. Renjun, Jaemin, and Hyuck are fashion slobs on the day to day. The only thing they have going for them right now, is that there's three of them to figure out outfits, and Lele is helping them. They'd be screwed otherwise." Mark rolled his eyes, his hand snaking up to find Jisung's hair to play with. "And you look amazing in anything and everything you wear. You don't have to worry about how you look, cause you're beautiful, and, even if you weren't, you're amazing as a person."


Jisung kissed Mark's neck. "Let's find you an outfit."


The three were chatting quietly when the elevator began it's descent. They nervously waited for their date, and their joy when it was him was almost too much.

Mark was wearing a simple graphic tee, paired with some skinny jeans, and tied together with a jean coat. Donghyuck was wearing a baggy peach colored knit sweater and some ripped jeans. Renjun was wearing a hoodie and matching sweats. Jaemin was wearing a loose white button up, with a loosened tie, and some dark slacks.

"I really like your jacket," Renjun said, linking his arm to Mark's. "You ready to go?"

Mark nodded and the three loaded into the car, where Jaemin was going to drive. Renjun took shotgun, and Hyuck took his seat beside Mark. With some very quiet and continual small talk, the four found their destination without my issue.

They pulled into a very quaint little farm, with rolling hills of apple trees all ripe and ready for the picking. There was a few couples out and about, but overall not very many. Placed every now and then were little gazebos with benches, and on the far side was a park place for kids. There were a few families over there, enjoying the fresh air and apples.

It was a cute orchard, and Hyuck immediately relaxed and rolled his shoulders back. "This place is always so scenic."

"You've been here before?" Mark inquired, following his dates towards the quaint little shop.

Hyuck nodded, smiling to himself as he thought back. "Yeah I came here with my little brothers a few times."

The four got their bags from the kind cashier and headed towards the first row of trees. The first tree was quite tall, and it was difficult for any of them to reach an apple.

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