Chapter 4 ❤️

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This is gonna be a long ass ride y'all. Smut warning.


Mark wasn't excited for work on Monday. After a wonderful night with Jungwoo, work the morning after wasn't his ideal. But further than that, he woke up feeling sick. He was feverish and throwing up, and it seemed out of nowhere.

He called Jeno to tell him, but was abruptly hung up on once he mentioned 'sick.' Within minutes, there was a knocking on his door. Mark answered it, to his little surprise, it was Jeno.

Jeno didn't wait for Mark to welcome him in, immediately checking Mark's forehead. "Go lay down. I'm gonna get you some Tylenol, make you some soup and you rest up for the day, alright?"

Mark almost laughed, but he shook his head. "It's alright Jeno. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself when I'm sick-"

Jeno shushed him, putting a gentle finger up to his mouth. "Go lay down, I'll be in a minute, okay?"

"Jeno, really I'll be fine. I can handle it-"

Jeno shushed him once again. Waving his hand towards Mark's bedroom. "Go."

Mark wanted to keep protesting, but it was clear Jeno wouldn't have any of it. He begrudgingly went to his room, laying on his futon as he wrapped himself in blankets. As much as he wanted to hate it, Jeno doing this for him was really sweet.

Jeno entered as promised, a cup of water and Tylenol in his hands. He gave them to Mark before scratching his head at the setup of Mark's room. There was three bedrooms in the apartment, one of which came with a king sized bed, but Mark was in the smallest of the three, his futon, desk, and decor all bunched up in the smallest room. It wasn't tiny perse, but it wasn't nearly as grand as the master bedroom.

"Sorry about the mess... I wasn't really expecting company..." Mark said, hiding his embarrassment away as best as possible. His room was a bit of a mess, clothes strewn about from trying to pick an outfit yesterday, and his desk was filled with paper copies of things he needed for work.

Jeno sat at the desk, smiling softly. "I can tell. Anyways, soup will be done in a bit so sit tight."

Jeno went to check on his soup, taking note of how Mark set his apartment up. It was nicely decorated in small bits, but as a whole quite empty and incoherent. His hallway had landscape paintings along the walls, his living room area had an abundance of plants he seemed to be taking care of, his kitchen was yellow themed with most of the pots and pans being a bright yellow.

Mark just waited patiently for Jeno to come back, staying quiet throughout. He felt like a kid again, having his grandparents take care of him and baby him when he fell ill.

Jeno returned quickly, a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup he somehow didn't spill any of. He set it on Mark's nightstand, and pat his head gently. "It hot so be careful, alright? I have to get back to work, but I'll send someone over to check on you in a bit. And ChenJi will cover your work for the day. So don't worry and rest up."

Jeno left quickly, exchanging a brief goodbye before leaving Mark to himself. Mark was excited to eat the famous food his team always hypes up. They always praise Jeno, Jaemin, and Chenle's cooking, so finally getting to try something one of them made was exciting for Mark.

It was a nice warm, the flavor sending Mark to new levels of comfort from the taste. It was classic chicken noodle soup, but somehow it tasted better than any he's ever had. His enjoyment was interrupted by a knocking on his front door.

To his surprise, it was Renjun and Jungwoo checking up on him.

"Jeno told us-" Renjun started

"That you were sick." Jungwoo finished.

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