Chapter 10 ♦️

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Nothing big happened after their date. He woke up that night to a bed to himself in Jeno's apartment, and some clothes with a note on them. "You can wear these for work -Jeno."

He wasn't sure whether to just leave and go back to his apartment, risk waking up Jeno with that, or just sleep until morning.

And where was Renjun?

He checked his phone in his pocket. It was one a.m. Jeno would be asleep by now...

The door clicked open softly, and he was greeted by a light down the hall towards where Jeno's kitchen would be. He walked slowly, careful to be as quiet as he could, but he heard voices as he got closer.

From what he could hear as he approached, it was a quiet but serious conversation between Jeno and another.

"- Worried about him leaving, if this keeps happening..." He heard Jeno say. "I think you guys started with the worst team. Kun's team doesn't have any issues, why wasn't he started there?"

He didn't want to eavesdrop, so he just walked out to the kitchen.

Jeno had his back to him as he talked with the other person, who Mark recognized as Doyoung. They hadn't talked much with since he landed his job. Since all this really started. Doyoung was hushed and he nodded his head towards Mark to signify Jeno they weren't alone anymore. Jeno turned around and Mark's breath hitched.

Jeno was tired, exhausted even, and it appeared that he had been crying. His eyes were red and puffy, his usual charming eye smile completely gone. His face was streaked with tears, and his hair was all out of sorts from him tugging at it due to stress. Still, he managed a tired smile for Mark. "How'd you sleep?"

"Are you okay? Is everything alright, Jeno?" Mark asked. He kept his distance, but the worry was more than evident enough in his eyes. He didn't want to assume anything, but he was guessing they were talking about him.

Jeno nodded as he took a shaky breath. "Everything is alright, Mark. Did you need something?"

"I was going to head back to my apartment."

Jeno nodded as he turned back to Doyoung. "Don't let us keep you." A small piece of Mark's heart broke off, and he only hoped Jeno caught it.

"You're not the worst team, Jeno." Jeno turned around slowly to Mark's words. Mark clasped his hands gently, feeling the younger's shake under his. "And... I don't plan on leaving. I don't want to keep dragging things out. I want to stay- to be a part of this. Is it going to take some time getting used to it? Do I still want to take things slow? Of course, but either way, I'm here to stay..." Mark's hands left Jeno's and held his face, so he could wipe the tears away as Jeno continued to cry. "So you don't have to worry or cry, alright?"

Jeno simply nodded as he fell into Mark, crying. Mark hugged him tightly and didn't let go until Jeno wanted the space. Mark was so focused on Jeno, he forgot about Doyoung, and only remembered his presence when the oldest went to get Jeno some water. It startled Jeno enough to break the contact from Mark.

"You've yet to meet the other teams, nor have you even finished with your current one. Are you sure you're ready for this, Mark?" Doyoung asked. He set the glass down in front of Jeno.

"I... I'm going to take things slow..." Mark said. "With everyone. I want to be a part of this. You all are wonderful and I don't doubt that even those I've barely aquatinted with are the same. I want this, and I'm sure of it. Flaws and problems and all."

"I'll let Taeyong know," is all Doyoung said before leaving the apartment.


The next day was unexpected, to say the least.

He woke to a warm body beside him, hugging his side tightly.

Jeno looked so peaceful in his sleep. The evidence from the stress of the night before was still there, but his beauty shone through a thousand times over. Mark reached out and gently caressed his face, moving aside the hair on his forehead to see the young blonde better.

Jeno's eyes fluttered open and a small smile tugged at his mouth.

"Morning beautiful," Mark said.

Scratch that- a huge smile.

The two had a quick breakfast after washing up, separately- although Jeno had been tempted to ask otherwise, but ultimately decided not to push his luck. Mark ended up having to wait for Jeno before heading up to their office floor, since the younger got a call from his sister.

He heard the yelling from her in the other room.

Jeno finished the call quickly, and the pair made their way up.

When the elevator stopped short of their office floor, Mark gave Jeno a questioning look, which was only received by a mischievous smile. "I have to make a quick stop, mind coming with me?"

They were on one of the activity floors, which Mark had yet to explore due to forgetting they existed. The room they were in seemed to be an antechamber, and there were loads of shoes on the floor. Jeno took his off and urged Mark to do the same, hinting heavily at what could be behind the set of doors in front of him. He counted twenty pairs of shoes aside from his and Jeno's, which likely meant everyone in the office, with the exception of Jungwoo, was probably behind these doors.

"This is a surprise party to welcome me to the cult, huh?" Mark joked.

Jeno couldn't stop his laugh. "Something like that, yeah. It's tradition."

"Was it supposed to be a surprise?"

"Sort of. Just act surprised and everyone will be happy enough." Jeno took a step closer to Mark, and held the older's hands. "You ready?"

"If I say no, do we get to go back to bed?"

Jeno wrapped his arm around Mark's shoulders. "C'mon."

Mark didn't have to act surprised. The room was decorated in his favorite color, blue, with blue streamers, banners, tables- even the cake he didn't know they had was blue. And everyone- they were all standing around the counter, seemingly surprised at the sudden entrance.

"Y'all did too much," Mark said, his face flushing a deep shade of red.

Donghyuck was the one to speak up from the silence. "Y-you don't like it?"

Mark shook his head quickly, trying his best to will his tears away. "No, it's wonderful." The tears couldn't stop in time, so he just found comfort in Jeno's chest. "Thank you all."

"You alright?" Jeno whispered.

Mark nodded, sobbing softly. "This is just so nice. I'm just getting sappy," Mark admitted, stepping so that his back faced his new group of lovers. He wiped his face and turned back towards them with a big smile. "Thank you, for this. This is really sweet."

Chenle tugged at a string in a moment of panic, and a giant banner fell. It read "Mark! You're with us now! Yay!"

Mark laughed as he approached the group. Taeyong slid the cake closer to him. "Red velvet ice cream cake- Jeno and Jungwoo said it was your favorite."

Mark fell into the nearest person, Lucas, to keep crying at the wonderful gesture being made for him. Lucas seemed more than surprised, given their little interaction, but he hugged Mark tightly nonetheless.

"I know it's a lot," Taeyong said, "but we've done this whenever anyone's joined and accepted us. We just want to show our collective joy, since it can be a lot." Taeyong pushed the cake towards Mark. "So we got you a cake. First slice is yours."

Mark took the knife with a shaky hand and sliced up the cake with enough slices for everyone.


Alright, sorry for the wait. I'm back and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Posting schedule will be back on track for next week! :)

Stay Wonderful y'all!

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