Chapter 16 ♣️

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He took the next week away from dates.

And the week after that.

He was seriously contemplating his future.

He loved it here, but was everyone worth losing his family? He could be happy with Yeri if they tried.

But he couldn't keep both.

That much was clear.


"Mark... is everything okay?" Jisung finally prodded one evening. Mark was barely even letting anyone in his apartment these days. The guy even dyed his hair black. Something was seriously up with Mark.

It was pure luck Jisung squeezed his way through Mark's security measures, and even luckier that he managed to spend enough time to start a movie with the newfound hermit crab.

"Yup," Mark replied flatly. "Everything's awesome."

"You've been pushing everyone away and things are 'awesome?'" Jisung asked, hiding his contempt as best as possible.

"You know that's not what I meant," Mark sighed out. There was a long pause. "Can we not have this talk tonight?"

"Really, Mark? Running away a-and hiding shit again?" Jisung bit down hard on his lip to stop his tears. He stood up and set the blanket he had aside, looking down at Mark. "Fine. But we will talk about this tomorrow. Prepare whatever sorry explanation you have for leading us on and shutting us out." And with those final words, Jisung left the apartment.

Mark wanted to tell him to wait, wanted to say he'd tell them the truth, but he couldn't. He was a coward.

And like a coward, he packed a bag and left. He even went as far as using the stairs.

But of course, Taeyong was reading a magazine in the lobby. "Mark, the man of the hour," he said. "Are you getting tired of us already? Trying to dip out and hope no one gets hurt?" Taeyong looked up from the magazine in his lap. "Say the word and you're out. But there's no coming back." His eyes were stern. He was angry.

Mark ran his hand through his hair. "I'm not leaving-"

"Then what are you doing? Cause it certainly looks like you're trying to leave."

"I need to go work stuff out," he said, taking deep breaths as best as possible despite the overwhelming feeling of despair. "I need to clear my head and think straight."

"That's not what you've been doing for the last two weeks-?"

"Look you don't understand Taeyong," he burst out in frustration, but his tone quickly changed back to his what was becoming his normal: stressed. "You don't. We've barely spoken, yet we're dating and you think you have authority over my autonomy."

Taeyong clenched his jaw, something Mark could visibly see. He lowered his head back to his newspaper and rubbed his nose and mouth. "Jungwoo is back," he said softly. "Upstairs, his apartment. He said he'll only see you for now."

Mark nearly dropped his duffel bag at the news. His heart began beating erratically, and the first thing he did was turn towards the elevator.

"I won't let you go up until you tell me what the fuck has been up with you." Taeyong's voice lowered. "I won't let you drag Jungwoo into your shit. Especially if it's so bad you feel like you have to run away instead of trusting in the people that care about you."

Mark turned back towards Taeyong, folding his arms. "You really want to know so badly?" Mark asked. "That badly?"

Taeyong looked up at his again, dead in the eyes. He wasn't angry. He was afraid.

Mark dropped his other bag and walked out of the building to his car. Within moments Taeyong was in the passenger seat beside him. Mark drove to a parking garage. "Fifth floor, apartment 507. Code for the building is 112179. When you get up there, say you're Vernon, one of my friends. I'll be up ten minutes after you."

Taeyong opened the door and took one last look at Mark. His knuckles were white on the wheel and he was looking straight ahead.

Taeyong went to the elevator in the parking garage and took it to the fifth floor as instructed. He got to apartment 507 and he stopped.

He knocked.

There was a soft hum as the owner of the apartment made their way to the door. "Who is it?" She asked.

Taeyong cleared his throat. "It's, uh, Vernon."

He could hear the door click as she unlocked it. "Well it's a pleasure to finally meet one of Mark's friends." She opened the door and gave him a quick up and down.

Taeyong nodded. He didn't even need to ask her her name. He's never met her, but he'd have to have known a business partner's daughter. "Yeri, right?" His eyes found her left hand on the door knob. She had a ring on her ring finger.

She smiled and nodded. "Come on in, Vernon."

"That's a nice ring," Taeyong said, rather confused why Mark would bring him here of all places.

"He told you didn't he," she pouted. "He promised me we would wait to tell our friends and family together."

Taeyong stopped dead in his tracks.

"So I guess he didn't tell you- are you okay, you're looking a little pale, Vernon."

Taeyong clutched tightly at his chest, which felt like it was closing up. He fell to his knees while clawing at his chest. Yeri was desperately trying to help him calm down, but she was clearly more than panicked as she yelled for help.

The door to her apartment flung open and Mark was by his side in seconds. "Taeyong- are you okay? What's wrong?" His attention flipped to Yeri once it was clear Taeyong either couldn't or wouldn't respond. "What happened?"

"Nothing!" Yeri said, rather defensively. "I barely got three sentences out before he fell over. Isn't his name Vernon?"

Mark ignored her question entirely. "Taeyong can you breathe?"

Taeyong nodded weakly as he pushed Mark away from himself. "I-I have a panic disorder." Taeyong was still clutching at his chest. "Just get me some water please."

Yeri hopped up and promptly returned with a glass of water. "Are you okay?"

Taeyong nodded once again as he slowly sipped the water. "I'll be okay. Or better in a few."

"Mark, sidebar real quick?" Yeri asked, a stern expression on her face.

After checking Taeyong one more time, he joined Yeri far enough to be out of earshot while whispering. "Is this your boss, Taeyong? Or is this just some guy named Taeyong who just so happens to go by Vernon?"

"This is my boss, Taeyong. I-I... He wanted to know what has been up with me since I came here... I didn't know how else to tell him."

Yeri pinched between her eyes and let out a big sigh. "You need to grow up, Mark."

Taeyong stood up and approached them. "I'm sorry," he said to Yeri, entirely ignoring Mark's presence.

"No need to apologize. Mark is an asshole, and I apologize on his behalf. I think a conversation about all of this is due, however."



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