Chapter 8 ♣️

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Mark woke up feeling like hell the next day. Luckily enough, it was a Saturday. He woke up alone in Jisung's room, but he heard voices outside the room.

Mark tried to sit up, but whatever position he was in was uncomfortable. He must've let some sort of groan in his pain, as Jisung came rushing through the door.

Jisung was dressed for the day, an over sized tee and some baggy jeans, wearing an apron over it all. He had his spatula still in his hand, and worried expression on his face. "You okay? Did something happen? Did you hurt yourself?"

Mark shook his head. "It... It just hurts," Mark mumbled, glancing down at the region.

Jisung smiled nodding. "It's gonna. That was your first time there, right? Walking might be a bit rough today. You want some advil?"

Mark nodded again, and Jisung returned within a minute, some water and Advil at hand. "Jeno's making some breakfast. Join us whenever you feel ready, okay?"

Mark whined a bit. "Can't you just stay and cuddle for a bit?"

Jisung laughed. "Alright, whatever you want, baby."

Mark pouted, snuggling up to Jisung beside him. The younger was wearing jeans, not the most cuddle worthy fabric, especially since Mark was still naked, but it didn't quite bother either of them. Jisung seemed a bit awkward with Mark still, but he saw Mark as one of their own now.

After what was maybe ten minutes, there was a knock at the door. "Everything alright?" Jeno asked, opening it a small bit and poking his head through.

Mark looked up, pouting at the intrusion. He poked Jisung who seemed to have fallen asleep. "I think he fell asleep," Mark voiced.

"Can you step out for a minute?" Jeno asked. Mark nodded, bracing himself for the pain before realizing he wasn't clothed. Luckily, Jeno had shut the door and waited outside. His clothes weren't in the room, having been cast aside in Jisung's living room, but there was a set of folded clothes set out for him on the nightstand.

It was all a bit baggy on him, but everything was covered. He opened the door quietly, letting it shut softly behind him.

Jeno was finishing up the last pancake as Mark approached. It seemed that he has made a very large breakfast, one for a lot more people than were in the apartment currently. Mark rested against the counter beside him, watching Jeno in his craft.

Jeno smiled a small bit, eying Mark in Jisung's clothes. "You two seemed to have had a fun night last night."

Mark nodded, thinking back to the events that led to him losing his ass's virginity. "Yeah... Definitely wasn't expecting anything like that to happen..."

Jeno smiled, placing the last pancake atop the stack. He put the pan in the sink before trapping Mark, by placing both his hands on the counter either side of Mark. "You'll have to let me join next time. Jisungie can't be the only one having all the fun," Jeno whispered into the older's ear.

Mark's heart was racing as he made eye contact with brunette. "Y-yeah... Sounds good."

Jeno backed off, leaving Mark slightly breathless at his profile. Jeno was wearing formal clothes, even though it was Saturday, but the button up shirt showed off his arms nicely, being cuffed up to show his forearms. "So... Are you gonna stay? I mean, I'm assuming as much since you just slept with Jisung, but I still feel like I should ask."

Mark nodded along, positioning himself to a more comfortable resting spot. "I think so, yeah."

Jeno whipped back around, however his voice was soft. "Mark this isn't a think so. You either know or you don't. Do you want to date us, do you not know yet, or do you not want to. Pick and let me know." He rested his hands gently atop Mark's, resting his head on Mark's shoulder. "The suspense is driving me crazy."

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