Chapter 11 ♦️

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Tuesdays were Mark's least favorite day of the week. Why? He had no idea. He just always felt worse on Tuesday than any other day of the week.

So when Donghyuck wanted to take him out on a lunch date, he hesitated. On one hand, a date would make his day much better. On the other, he didn't want to be upset going into his date.

Donghyuck's big, pleading eyes did something to his heart. "Please?" He asked.

"Alright, yeah. I'll see you in the lobby for lunch?" Mark clarified.

Donghyuck nodded excitedly before running off.

Chenle came to his desk not too long after with a wrapped gift. "I wanted to say thanks, for giving all of us a chance."

"You didn't have to get me anything-"

Chenle laughed. "You're right, but I wanted to, Mark. Sincerely, thank you." Chenle stood there awkwardly for a few more moments to see if Mark would say or do something else before walking off.

The box was small, and Mark decided to open it now. Inside was a silver bracelet with the phrase "keep with your dream" engraved on it.

Mark's heart absolutely melted, he promised himself that he would get Chenle a gift just as special. He clasped it on wrist and finished his work before heading to his apartment. He would work for the next half hour while he simultaneously would pick out an outfit.

He ended up with something teetering the line between casual and formal, a sweater vest and short sleeve button up for the top half, and corduroy pants, all keeping a dark green in color theme with the exception of his white button up.

He styled his hair quickly, put on silver studs, threw on his white sneakers, and he was ready to go.

He was down first, and he barely had to wait a few minutes for Donghyuck to arrive. He was taken by the simple beauty he was flaunting.

Donghyuck had also changed, and he was now wearing a simple white tee and jeans, tied together with a nice dark blue cardigan. Mark smiled at the fact that they were wearing the same shoes.

"Ready to go?" Donghyuck asked, linking their arms together quickly.

Mark nodded and smiled. "Where are we off to, Hyuck?"

"A restaurant, duh." Donghyuck replied, shifting uncomfortably beside him. "One very special and dear to me."

The two left and headed to Mark's car since Donghyuck didn't feel like driving, although he was the one who planned the date in the first place. Mark eventually found the place with no help from Donghyuck, who fell asleep on the short ride over.

Even after they parked, Donghyuck continued sleeping. He looked so beautiful to Mark, his lips pouting as he slept. Mark didn't want to wake him, and from a conversation he overheard, he probably wouldn't be able to. Apparently, Donghyuck sleeps through anything and hated waking up.

So Mark did the logical thing and drove back home, after getting takeout from the restaurant, gently carrying Donghyuck back inside. He woke barely, and rested his head on Mark's shoulder.

Mark opened his apartment and set Donghyuck down in the biggest bedroom before heading back to his car to grab the food. Back in the lobby, he ran into a familiar figure heading towards the pool.

Taeyong stopped when he saw him holding the takeout. "Don't like Jeno's cooking anymore?"

Mark smiled and shook his head. "Donghyuck was going to take me on a lunch date, but he fell asleep. I hope I got his order right."

"He pulled that trick on you, huh?"


Taeyong smiled to himself. "Enjoy your food, Mark."

He made his way back up, setting the food down before checking on Donghyuck. He placed a blanket over the younger and gently kissed his forehead.

Donghyuck's eyes fluttered open. "We there yet?" He asked.

Mark shook his head. "You fell asleep so I just ordered takeout from there..."

Donghyuck hugged Mark tightly. "Lay with me for a bit, please?"

Mark obliged, snuggling into Donghyuck's side. "We should go eat the food out there."

"We should."

Neither of them moved an inch. Donghyuck eventually turned his head to the older and found their eye contact made his face flush.

"Can I kiss you?" Donghyuck asked.

"You're asking- quite kind of you."

"Is that a yes?"

"What's the occasion?"

"Mark, you're-" Donghyuck was taken aback by the older's lips on his.

"It's always a yes, Hyuck."

Donghyuck held his breath for several counts. "Okay okay so I have a minor confession, Mark."

Mark turned serious within a second and sat up with Donghyuck. "Is everything alright?"

Donghyuck shook his head. "Not really, no. See I'm not Donghyuck... Right now, I'm Haechan."

Mark nodded, although a tad bit confused, he was beginning to understand. "Are you... Are you, uh what's it called- um, a system, right?"

Haechan nodded. "Yes. Donghyuck and I are part of a system. There's not a lot of us here, but it's mostly Donghyuck and I who front the most."

"Oh, uh, alright. If you don't mind my asking, and you don't have to answer if you feel uncomfortable, but do you feel the same as Donghyuck then? About everyone and all the stuff that goes on?"

Haechan smiled. "Yes... I tend to take over when it comes to stronger romantic feelings since Donghyuck tends to panic way too much. So we both feel the same in slightly differing ways. Actually we co-front a lot together when we're with everyone else."

"Alright that's chill, Haechan." There was a pause between them, the acceptance settling in. "So, Haechan, is there anything you wanted to do?"

Haechan laughed as he bit his lower lip. "There's plenty of things I want to do, but the question is if you want to do them."

"Well what is-"

Haechan cut him off quickly with another kiss. "That's what I want to do, Mark."

"Oh." Mark's face flushed a deep red.

"And you don't want to." Haechan finalized, falling back. "That's okay." He waited a few counts before sitting back up with a smile. "Let's go eat-"

Mark interrupted with a kiss back to his love. "Whatever you want to do, I want to do, Haechan. I was just taken aback is all."

Haechan smiled appreciatively. "Okay... Thank you. I just want some cuddles and kisses and then we can eat."

"What about we grab the food, put on a movie and cuddle on the couch?"

Haechan mulled it over for a moment. "I don't want to walk. It's so much energy and we're here already-" Mark's arms were under him, carrying him bridal style to the couch. "Well that was easy." Haechan watched as Mark hungrily grabbed the food and joined him on the couch. "Someone's a foodie," Haechan noted.

Mark set up the food silently on the coffee table before popping a piece of chicken into his mouth. "What movie?"

"Something thriller?" Haechan asked, big pleading eyes.

Mark smiled as he picked one out.

The pair dug into their food, completely forgetting they still had to go back to work in a short bit.


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