Chapter 26 ♦️

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Mark soon returned to his normal office life, his desk really, for the first time in a while. But he found something special on his desk that had been forgotten for so long.

The bracelet Chenle had given him.

He was an idiot for leaving this at his desk for so long. He slipped it on and read the engraving to himself once again, "keep with your dream." He got up quickly and made his way out the building.

He had to buy Chenle a gift just as special. He found his way to the shopping district not too far away and found the nearest jewelry store. Everything looked nice, but nothing looked special enough.

He left the store quickly and continued on his expedition. It was in the fifth store that he finally got a call. It was Jeno.

Apparently he neglected his phone so much that he had about fifty missed texts and three missed calls. And it was past two in the afternoon now.

He accepted the call as he entered the next store. "Yeah?" He said, beginning to browse.

"You didn't come to lunch... We checked with Jungwoo to see if you went with him, but no one's seen you since earlier. Are you okay?" Jeno spoke fast, however his anxiety was clear.

"Yeah... Sorry I had my phone on silent for work and I forgot to turn it back on when I left."

"Left for where? You're not leaving us, right?"

Mark smiled to himself shyly. "No... I had found the gift Chenle gave me a while back. I had left it at my desk, but because of everything that's happened recently I forgot it was there. I'm trying to find him a gift now to give him."

Jeno let out an airy laugh. "Okay. You had me worried for a minute there. Do you need help?"

Mark bit his cheek while he moved on to the next store. "I'm not entirely sure. I feel like I'll know what to get him when I see it, but I'm not sure what it is that I'm looking for yet."

"Do you mind if I tag along with you? I want to buy a few things as well."

"Yeah no worries. I'm at the shops a few blocks over?"

"Alright just text me whatever store you're at."

"See you in a bit, love you," Mark said absentmindedly as he entered the next store.

The call hung up abruptly as Jeno nearly fainted on the other end. Mark had just said "love you." He knew it was informal, and something people dating add on to what they say- but it was the first time he'd ever heard Mark say it. He knew it wasn't an "I love you," but he knew it made him feel some sort of way.

It sounded special coming from Mark.

He was quick to join Mark, but he couldn't hide his blush whenever he saw the older.

So he simply avoided looking at him.

Mark caught on surprisingly quick when he found Jeno stealing quick glances before turning pink and looking away. "I'm sorry, did something happen?" Mark finally blurted after what seemed to be the hundredth time Jeno did that.

"No. Everything's fine! Everything's great," Jeno said hurriedly, distracting himself by looking intently at a very large bunny plushie.

Mark pouted and wrapped his arms around Jeno's shoulders from behind. His arms laid lazily on to Jeno's chest. "Seriously, what happened?" He whispered softly into Jeno's ear. He was well aware that he was doing something to the younger, he just didn't know exactly what yet.

"I need to go home," Jeno said quickly and softly. "Before this gets worse." He brushed Mark off of himself and practically ran out the store.

Mark chased after him, all the way back to their building, where he found Jeno with his knees to his chest and his face buried. Mark crouched next to him and gave himself a second before tapping Jeno softly. "Did I do something wrong? I've never seen you act like this."

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