Shorts Series (1)

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This is my filler for real chapters for a bit. Some fluffy (or smutty ;) moments around the office of member combinations you might not see often (or maybe do) but just away from focusing on Mark.

So enjoy the first of (hopefully not too many) to come.

(This short takes place the morning after Mark and Jisung's date)


"Time to wake up," the soft voice of Kun said.

Yangyang, Chenle, and Renjun all groaned, snuggling into one another on the huge bed of Kun's. "Come back to sleep," Yangyang whined.

Kun smiled as he picked out his outfit for the day. "I made breakfast. There's only a leaders meeting today, but you should all still start getting ready for today."

"Come lay back down," Renjun pleaded, pouting as he made eye contact with a stern "no".

"I have to get a move on, otherwise I'll be late," Kun explained. "And I want to make sure you all eat before I leave."

"Stop babying us," Yangyang said. "Fuck the meeting. Come back to bed."

Chenle had a pouty look on his face. "Please Kun. Please come back and cuddle with us," he begged, the biggest puppy eyes he could manage.

Kun softened at his angel, so he hesitantly slipped back into bed. "Only for a few minutes. Then we all get up."

Chenle wrapped himself around Kun once he was in the massive bed with them, and pampered the older with kisses all over. "Alright. Alright," Kun said, kissing Chenle's forehead softly. "I won't leave yet."

Chenle tucked his face into Kun's neck. "Just don't leave," he whispered.

Kun sighed. "I have to go to this meeting."

Chenle flipped over and left Kun alone on the edge. "Stupid meetings. Stupid, stupid, stupid."

"What is the meeting even about?" Renjun asked. "Why can't you skip it?"

"It's about Mark," Kun explained. "Because of everything with Jungwoo and now Jeno's team, Taeyong wants to discuss the plans and whether or not we keep trying with Mark."

"He's gonna stay," Chenle said. "Jisung texted me that things went really well."

"Woah- hold on. It's on the table to give up on him?" Renjun asked. "Why is that even being asked? He's agreed to try things out with everyone, I don't under-"

"Jungwoo," Kun answered. "Jungwoo messed things up, and Taeyong's freaking out. He's doubting everything and, honestly, that's why he's been holed up recently." Kun checked his watch. "Thank you for the information, love." Kun kissed Chenle's cheek before getting up. He gave Renjun and Yangyang each a quick kiss on the forehead.

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