Chapter 2 ♣️

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Jungwoo and Ten followed him to the elevator, continuing to try and talk him out of it the entire way up.

Unfortunately they failed by the time they reached the top floor, and Mark began marching proudly towards the big set of double doors. He knocked loudly, the sound echoing through the entry chamber.

There was a groan inside and the door opened to a half as dressed Taeyong now greeting him. "What."

Mark shifted nervously, and his confidence faded now that he was in the presence of Taeyong. "Ten said you were going to punish him. Whatever it is, I'll take half. It wasn't just him. I initiated it."

Taeyong looked over to Ten and Jungwoo, raising a brow to question.

"We tried to stop him," Jungwoo said. "He's got it in his head that he can change your mind."

Ten nodded along, avoiding eye contact as best as possible.

"I'm not leaving until you do," he added, crossing his arms.

Within seconds, Taeyong pulled him inside, so quickly he couldn't react. The doors shut as Taeyong held his hands above his head with one hand, effectively pinning him to the door. "We don't do halvsies here. Now, you have two options. Ten takes his punishment, and you walk away free and safe. Or, you take his place tomorrow, and he gets to walk away free and safe."

Taeyong cupped Mark's cheeks with his free hand. "So what's it gonna be, Mark?" He asked, leaning close into Mark. He could feel the older's warm breath against his ear, and it sent shivers down his spine. Mark tried to turn his head away from the intense glare of the older, but Taeyong simply held his face in place.

It was clear he wanted Mark to make a choice, and that he didn't have any other options. "I-I'll do it. I'll take his place for whatever punishment it is."

Taeyong let go, backing away from his new employee. He clicked his tongue, the glimmer of his smirk now greeting Mark. "Very brave of you. However, I heard you needed to go food shopping tomorrow. Since I'm impressed with your utterly foolish bravery, I'll let it slide for both of you this time. Next time- well, you won't be so lucky."

Mark nodded. "W-what was the punishment?"

Taeyong walked back up to Mark, his hand sneaking around behind him to open the door. He nodded at the now open entry way and motioned for Mark to leave. "Go while you still can. Get a good rest. Be ready for work on Monday. I'll see you around."

Before Mark could even say anything more, Jungwoo pulled him away, and Taeyong shut his door.

"What happened? What did he say?" Jungwoo questioned, his casual and soft manner now replaced with seriousness.

Mark began walking towards the elevator. "He said we both go free this time or whatever. You're welcome."

Mark left the two standing there, both of which were terrified that Mark had managed the impossible. Mark got in the elevator, suddenly numb to everything the second he left Taeyong's room. As he descended by himself, his head was filled with horrible imagery of what "punishments" he just narrowly avoided.

The CEO clearly had power here, and he held something above his workers that left them terrified into submission. Whatever it is, he wasn't keen on finding out.


Mark made his way to the office floors on Monday, pushing the occurrences of the weekend out of his mind as best as possible. Nothing interesting happened on Sunday, but it was Saturday that kept replaying through his thoughts.

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