Chapter 14 ❤️

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Mark decided to work from his apartment the following day as well. It would just be easier than bombarded with questions or flirtatious comments, and he had a deadline to meet.

Not that Jeno cared in any capacity whether it was done or not. But he did, and he honestly enjoyed the work more than he would probably admit to most people.

But today he did end up going to lunch at Jeno's, which was lively as ever. ChenJi were as inseparable as usual, Hyuck and Renjun were bickering, and Jaemin was flirting with Jeno while he cooked. Mark sat amidst it all, tilting his chair back as he watched the chaos he'd come to find endearing.

Jaemin took a pause from flirting to move onto his next target. "Heyyy Markiepoo."

"Please refrain from calling me 'Markiepoo' ever again."

"You excited for later?" Jaemin asked him, nudging his side slightly.

"I'm certainly looking forward to what you have planned for the evening, yes." Mark cringed at how awkward his own words sounded, but Jaemin seemingly didn't notice or didn't care. "I do have a few questions though..." Jaemin nodded, but didn't verbally respond. "So number one, what's the dress code?"

"Clubbing, bar hopping, dancing- and sexy- please please please look sexy as fuck tonight." Jaemin paused, eyes wide. "That last bit was supposed to stay inside my head- I'm sorry."

He smiled genuinely to the now flustered Jaemin, eyeing Jeno to gauge how much longer until they would be eating. Not too long by the looks of it. "Well, I will make sure to look extra sexy later- but I don't want you to get any ideas."

Jaemin held his hands up in the air. "I won't." The younger leaned in close to Mark's ear, "But I want you to get all the ideas when you see me later."

Mark rolled his eyes, but he still blushed regardless of how he tried not to. "You're too much sometimes."

Jaemin smiled at him. "That's my goal." His hand snaked over to Mark's to play with his fingers. "What's the second question?"

"Tomorrow morning I'm supposed to meet up with my friend... She didn't give me much of a choice, so I just wanted to make sure that it's okay if I don't stay to sleep in with you tomorrow morning?"

"Of course! There's no pressure to stay, and it's not like any of us want to keep you from your social life."

Mark leaned over to Jaemin, resting his head gently atop the younger's. "Thank you," he said softly.

"Lunch is ready!" Jeno announced.

Soon enough with help from everyone, they had the table all ready and set up, and they began digging in.

It was delicious as always.

"Are you gonna come into the office later?" Chenle asked.

"Probably not- I just find it easier to focus in my apartment. I have that deadline to meet for the new campaign poster."

Jeno rolled his eyes. "It's a bunch of BS, don't worry about the deadline, Mark."

Jisung sighed. "Mark's a hard worker, Jen. And a completionist, so of course he's gonna meet the deadline when it's set. Not all of us like working, but he does."

Mark shrugged. "I just don't like leaving things unfinished. And I don't want to fall behind either. It's nothing really."

"Do you find us distracting?" Donghyuck asked. "You said it's easier to focus from home."

"A little yeah," Mark rubbed the back of his neck. "Things can be quite a lot in the office especially since things are official now. No one really hides the PDA or other around me anymore."

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