Chapter 6 ♦️

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The office was tense, quiet for the first time in ages. Everyone who was around Mark was so fond of him already, and others, those who didn't get to know him well yet, were eager to have him a part of things.

The elevator moving floors was a cause for celebration, up until it stopped on 10. It didn't move after that.

Everyone tried to go on with their day, listening for that ding of acceptance. No one dared to move floors unless necessary, some even using the stairs for short trips. Every time the elevator dinged and it wasn't Mark was cause for disappointment.

Until it was Mark. Everyone tried to act normal, not wanting to scare him off more. He made a beeline straight to Jeno's office, where Jeno had tidied everything up for the first time in a while. He was sitting so stiffly, but he couldn't help but stress out. Mark was one of his, but him leaving would impact everyone.

Mark stopped in front of the door, his hand on the doorknob. Was he aware the door was glass? Yes. Was he aware everyone in the office knew of his options? No. He chickened out at the last second, heading straight towards the elevator once again. It opened to Taeyong, leaning against the wall in the back corner.

Mark avoided eye contact as he pressed the button for his floor, panicking once the doors were closed and Taeyong moved. Taeyong gently tapped his shoulder, heart racing as Mark turned to face him. "Mark..." He said softly. "Please try this..." Taeyong's voice broke halfway through.

Mark's heart felt like it was breaking, seeing Taeyong like this. He was clearly distraught, his eyes were puffy, but further than that, his eyes let Mark see how broken he was feeling. "Why?" Mark whispered.

Taeyong's breath became shaky as he turned himself towards the glass wall of their elevator. "I'm not sure, all honesty. Something about you is different, Mark. I want you, and I don't know how to describe it. Everyone in this building wants you. For a lot more reasons than one. The question you should be asking right now is: do you want everyone? Do you want these people's love and care? To watch over you, to give you comfort and strength? You already know our answer when it comes to you."

The elevator dinged for the tenth floor. Taeyong coughed and Mark absentmindedly stepped out and went to his apartment. He only looked back to the elevator briefly as he was unlocking his door to see Taeyong begin to cry as he slid down the glass wall and the doors shut. Taeyong didn't see him, so Mark decided to save him the embarrassment and never bring it up later on.

Later on, huh? Mark thought to himself. He was already thinking about the future around these people. Thinking of what could be, just based off Taeyong's words alone.

As much as Jungwoo lied, or "hid" all of this, as much as everybody did, he knows why. It still hurt, be he can see their side. "I'm in a poly office sex cult," isn't the best way to get someone to fall in love. Well, most people at least.

And then there was Jungwoo. Jungwoo was so sweet and caring... And he had his reasons for hiding everything. But he still kept everything a secret and could've ended up hurting all of his other lovers- what if he does that to Mark down the road? Could he deal with that?

Mark, finally coming to a decision, escaped his thoughts and looked down at what was now in his hands. It was the small teddy bear Jungwoo had won for him on their second date. They had gone to some fair that was happening, and Jungwoo won it at the milk jug toss. It was complete luck, and he won on the smallest prize, but Mark was happy to get the teddy nevertheless.

He held the tiny plushie in his hands as he sat down on his couch. "What do you think I should do-?"

The small bear stared at him.

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