Shorts Series (3)

312 15 4

Alright a small request : a WinMark moment, for multifan009

Enjoy! :)


Mark loved this job, the people who he worked with, but he hated the elevator. Multiple times has it opened to a very surprised duo in the process of making out.

Was he guilty of the same things at times? Yes. He still didn't like it though.

Whenever it opened to another person it was often more awkward than anything.

Today, he rode alone, but the elevator stopped short of his destination, briefly stopping on Kun's floor if he remembered correctly.

He expected Kun, but it was Winwin instead.

He was sporting an adorable goofy smile, and a very casual graphic tee tucked into a formal looking pair of pants.

"Good morning!" Winwin greeted.

"Morning Winwin!"

Winwin giggled as he pressed the button for his destination. "Can I speak freely for a moment, Mark?"

"Oh, uh, sure."

"I'm happy you decided to try things with us!" Winwin beamed brightly. "You've been making everyone really happy lately, so I wanted to say thank you."

Mark was taken aback, but his smile said more than enough.

Winwin smiled to himself. "I'm glad a I could give you a smile, Mark. Have a nice day." The elevator doors opened to one of the activity floors, and Winwin went to make his exit.

"Uh- wait!" Mark said, reaching out for Winwin. His hand found the older's. "Thank you. Those were some really kind words. And, uh, I look forward to getting to know you." Getting to know someone so adorable, Mark voiced in his head. "Can I... Can I hug you?"

Winwin's eyes went big. "Oh, uh,I'd prefer not to... Sorry. I'm just not big on touching and contact in general."

Mark quickly dropped his hand. "Omg no worries. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable there or like-"

"It's okay Mark." Winwin held his hand out for Mark's, who tentatively accepted. "I enjoy handholding... Just anything more can be pushing it at times."

"Totally understandable." Mark let his hand fall. "I'll see you around, Winwin."

"Same to you, Mark. Have a good day!"

The elevator doors shut.


Stay Wonderful y'all!

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