Humans with T e a

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He was in the middle of a random joke as his phone rang, making him flinch and pause his mini story to answer it, a little disappointed by the interruption.
"Heya Paps. Whatcha calling me for?"

"Sans!" The other end proclaimed.
"I was here because you were missing, and I wanted you to meet the humans I have found!"
He froze, the shift immediately obvious to the audience as he spun in his seat to face away from them.
"Uh, how many are there, bro?"

"I have safely counted them and there are 7 of them!"
"Yes, I circled them three times!"
"Uh, Paps, you might have scared them."
"I am not scary, Sans! How does circling them three times make me scary?"
"It's not just that, it just- hold on a second, Paps." He hopped off his stool and started heading for the door.
"Ketchup with you guys later!" He called out to the others as Napstablook drifted after him, afraid of being alone in a crowd without a familiar face.

As soon as the door closed behind them, Sans returned to the phone.
"Papyrus, humans are sometimes scared of tall monsters. It's just a human thing, 'kay?"
"Oh? I was not aware of this!" The other end shuffled, then. "Do not worry, I am not scary! You do not need to fear me!"

Sans couldn't help but snort.
"Paps, that doesn't really work either."
"Why not? I told them so."
"Fear is just like that sometimes. Just, can you find Asgore? So they can have a proper introduction to monsterkind?"
"That is a brilliant idea, brother! I will take them to him right away!"
"Wait- hold up! Don't do that! Bring Asgore to them, not the other way around!"
"Oh? Alright! Wait here, humans, I will bring king Asgore to you!" The line clicked.

Sans groaned, leaning against the brick wall. "He's never found them alone before. Or this early."
"𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚍𝚒𝚏𝚏𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝.."
He glanced over a Napstablook. "Yeah, they are. Wanna come with while I make sure he doesn't get himself hurt?"
The ghost nodded, drifting closer until they overlapped again.

"Aight." Sans rolled his shoulders, walking around the corner and shifting locations into the sun. He turned, noticing Asgore answering a call of his own, the king already moving towards the entrance in concern. They nodded, and Sans leapt off the cliff, meaning to land on a bone attack when instead, he just stopped dead in the air.
"Nappy? What?"
"𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚏𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐.. 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢.."

He shook his skull, scanning the forest before spotting a truck and other vehicle in the distance.
"See the cars?"
"....𝙸 𝚍𝚘."
"Let's go there, they should be close to them."

He was then flying over, a little weirded out by the experience yet kept his cool, afraid of leaving his brother with adult humans.

He managed to maneuver into a tree, working with the ghost based on silent gestures as he perched above the loud voices, Papyrus marching back towards the mountain, a bunch of teenagers following in both fear and curiosity.

He hopped across several trees before landing ahead of the procession, simply walking out in front of Papyrus, who paused.
"Sans! There you are! I was wondering when you would arrive!"
"Yeah bro, I'm here now. Seven humans, huh?"
"Indeed! Behold!" He stepped aside dramatically, waving to the group. Sans winked at them, nodding.
"Yep, definitely humans and not rocks."

Papyrus squinted at him, but ignored the joke.
"Yes, and we are escorting them to king Asgore!"
"Sure, bro." He eased up more, knowing he could manage the situation as they started walking again.
"So Paps."
"Yes, Sans?"
"Since we're about to introduce these humans to the king, why don't we tell them what he's like?"

"A terrific plan! Humans! King Asgore is the king of monsters! He has led us as long as I can remember and is very fluffy!"
"They don't call him Fluffybuns for no reason."
"That is highly informal, Sans!"

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