The Serpent of Lake Erie

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His tail was impulsively twitching side to side as she stared anxiously out the window. Every time the vehicle passed over a bump in the road, he couldn't help but flinch. It was jarring.
Beside him, the skeleton Avalon gave his hand a gentle squeeze, smiling softly.

He appreciated the comfort, but this situation was entirely too unnerving for him to calm down. His anxiety was spiking, hard. Everything was different, and the human driving was so cold to them, even Toriel had given up trying to make friendly conversation.

He could see the water through the trees as they approached, the tremendous Lake Erie looking for all the world like an inland bay. Asriel tried to imagine the gigantic snake that was apparently living beneath the waves- and supposedly was expecting them.
Now that was a terrifying thought.

After a few minutes of disconcerting near-silence that was broken only by the constant rumble of the tires on asphalt and then gravel, the car slowly slid to a stop a few dozen yards from the water.

A group of humans stood discussing things around a tent with a simple sage green tarp on four poles above it, glancing back at the vehicle.

The first one out was Avalon, shuddering and moving to help Toriel out, but the queen was already taking care of it herself. Asriel hesitantly stepped out on the gravel, hopping up and down to shake the tension from his limbs.

"Do you think Sans might be here?" He asked Avalon.
The hybrid sighed. "I doubt we will be so lucky, I am afraid."
The prince shrugged, allowing Toriel to hold him close. "It was worth a shot."
"We will find him, Asriel." She murmured.
"Even if we must do so on our own."
With that said, they approached the humans.

"Greetings!" Avalon called with fake enthusiasm. Several humans flinched as they turned, taking in the sight of the Dreemurs and skeleton nymph.
"Greetings." Toriel echoed when they were in the vicinity, nodding.
"Howdy." Asriel waved from her side, clinging to her robe.
"May we be of assistance?" The queen asked.
"Perhaps you can tell us how you're going to help." One spoke, studying the monsters curiously.
"Like this sentient snake's purpose here."

"Ah, that question is not so difficult." She nodded to Avalon, who nodded back and spoke. "The one that you speak of is no snake, but I understand the confusion. As for what she desires, that is simple. Kinepeikwa wishes to live peacefully, as all races have lived in the past."
"Then what about the flood of animals it- she- brought with her?" The man questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Not to mention the incident in Jersey."

"Jersey.. that is where Ebott is, correct?" Toriel asked.
"My apologies, I have not fully memorized this." She explained before continuing somewhat hesitantly.
"As for the creatures.. they were once abundant in our time. I believe they have been kept safe throughout the ages until it was time for magic to roam freely once again. They were protected by the dragons?"
"Kinepeikwa is not a dragon, but yes." Avalon corrected benignly.

"I do understand the concerns involving the return of the beasts. The world is not so prepared for them, yes?" Toriel asked.
"..Yeah, that's one way to phrase it. There's a complete infestation of unknown and unpredictable animals all over the place. And I haven't even mentioned the.. attacks on unsuspecting hikers in the park a few miles out from here. The.. whatever the snake is has been defending a few camps and the rangers there, but it's still spending most of its time in the water. She, I mean."

"I doubt she quite understands the world she has been left in. I know I hardly can." Toriel murmured, glancing at the lake.
"Yes, that does seem to be the case, doesn't it?" Avalon added, following her gaze.
"With your permission, I would like to try and contact Kinepeikwa."
Toriel's eyes widened and she glanced at the human. "Would that be alright with you?"

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