False Ambassador

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((This chapter could be better.))

Sans almost screamed in frustration when he woke up at the entrance to the Underground.
Thankfully he didn't. He was initially outraged that he was still stuck in his own attack, but then he realized something unnerving.
Talons gripped gravelly earth and flowers, and hands tightened around balled sheets.

He sat up in bed in a dark room, simultaneously blinking at the lightening sky. It wasn't like something in the back of his mind as a Blaster should be- rather, it was like he was halfway between the two: himself, and the dragonish creature.

Stumbling to his feet back in his room, Sans groaned. How am I supposed to focus now? He asked himself, rubbing his skull
And he forgot about Frisk.
Where were you last night? He couldn't help but ask.
What do you mean? I've been here.. did you not fall asleep too?

He blinked at the light seeping through the bottom of his door and the sun on the waves outside the mountain. I mean, I did, but.. didn't stay asleep.
What did I miss, then?

Sans chuckled drily under his breath while approaching his door, ignoring how the Blaster softly chortled.
I was stuck in it. He mentally regarded the creature by way of indication.
It wasn't a good time.
...I don't see why, that sounds cool.
Sure, until you just want to sleep and deal with more important things than.. dragon crap. He growled quietly while making his way downstairs.

There are dragons?
Yeah, and apparently I'm related to them!
Frisk froze, then continued. And that isn't epic as hell to you?
Maybe under different circumstances, it would be.
He glanced at his hand, the grey object gripped within now molded by the impression of his phalanges.

I have more important things to worry about.
Saving the Grey Followers? Or.. scientists, I mean.
How do you plan on doing it?
You've seen my basement.
No way.

He snorted quietly while arriving in the kitchen, peering into the fridge while pondering Papyrus's whereabouts. He lit up at the sight of a half-eaten burger from Grilby's in the back, snatching it up with a grin as he turned away- only to freeze.

Well that's where he went. He thought, staring up at his brother without his favorite armor.
"Heya Pap. You good?" He set it down on the counter, seeing the stricken face.
Papyrus suddenly swooped him up in a tight embrace.
"Hey, whoa, what's going on bro?"

"A long overdue brotherly hug." Papyrus stated, the waver in his voice unmistakable.
Sans cautiously returned the hug, concerned.
"Something's got you rattled." He murmured.
"...You screamed, Sans."

"Last night, in your sleep, you seemed to have a terrible nightmare. You were screaming like you were being attacked and I- I could do nothing." He sighed shakily. "And before then, Undyne had called about your attack going on a rampage again, this time kidnapping the Prince, and I thought- I was worried that you-" "Whoa, whoa, Paps, calm down. I'm fine. There was no rampage. The kid wasn't kidnapped. Nappy was just helping him get home and Asriel wanted to give him.. scream therapy on the spot. It was a misunderstanding."

Papyrus held him at arm's length. "Really?"
Sans held his arm around his brother's, smiling gently. "Yeah."
The taller closed his sockets with a relieved sigh, before huffing. "You were still hurt." He pointed out, before blinking.
"And how did you know what happened? You were asleep!"
Sans hesitated. "That's where it gets weird.."
Papyrus set him fully on his feet and stared expectantly.

Sans chuckled awkwardly, rubbing his neck vertebrae. "How do I put this.. I just kind of woke up? But in the Blaster..?"
"Beats me. All I know is I just wanted to sleep and wake up like normal again."
"What about Napstablook? He had been possessing it."
"Still feel him there, I think he's still conked out. Lucky." He glanced at the burger on the counter longingly.
"Well.." Papyrus noted his hungry gaze with disappointment in the food choice before brightening. "At least you are back to normal now!"

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