An Idea

195 17 6

((Legitimately forgot about Skeleghost due to being under some stress lately, but at least I have an update!))

"So they're apparently all connected in this story they got going on." Sans explained, legs crossed on the floor.
"The Osaka guy, he's from the future where time travel is just normal and he's like a history student. So in a spark of truly remarkable brilliance, apparently he uses said time travel- I assume without training and the like, I wasn't told the details- and goes to what I think is supposed to be what's called the Industrial Revolution in human history, literally kidnaps a resident of the time period, and even more brilliantly, tries to take him back. That can cause so many paradoxes, by the way, not even mentioning someone going back."

With a cough, he continued. "Plot ensues, their nifty plot device- I mean time machine- breaks and they're stuck in the now, where magic is kept secret from the world at large, which is ironically not all that far from the truth. And apparently there's a native American vampire- that being a culture and ethnicity of humans and pretty neat representation in my opinion- and she's just helping them out of the goodness of her Soul apparently. Together they apparently fixing a device literally none of them fully understand, which honestly, something that warps time itself should be understood before tinkered with, but hey, it's fiction so I can't complain."

"You should tell Alphys this." Asriel decided.
"She will lose her mind."
"She might insist on meeting them, I don't know if I wanna do that." Sans pointed out.
"Really?" He gave the skeleton a look, and the other shrugged with an easy grin.
"I think I will tell them." Papyrus then said.

Sans turned. "Really?"
"Yes, I think it would be good. Friendly humans, love of anime, it's a good start!"
After a moment, he leaned back with a groan.
"I hate that you're right."

Gaster then spoke up, his voice still breaking and shifting unnaturally.
"I+ is á goød $tar+. It wôüld ac¢ømplîsh mūl+iplē +hiñgs at on¢e. Th€ £i¢tiøns o£ theīr $tor¥ alîgπ √er¥ ¢løsely wï+h th€ fa¢ts hûmãn$ åre stîll lärg€ly ūnáwær o£. If th€ir $tory wér€ +o ₱ic[{ up €nøugh trãc+ioñ, i+ wøuld ße an ef£ecti√é wa¥ tø s₱reàd iñførmätioñ. ¥oū [{nøw thís, $añs."

Sans sighed, falling back on Papyrus's lap. "Please tell me you didn't look through time to get that answer."
"We all looked before in the Void, Sans. It picks up. It becomes popular. It becomes a deciding factor in the general attitude towards both monsters and the elder races among humankind. There are many gaps in their 'lore' that we can fill in, and they are already willing to work with us to make their dream a better reality." Charqui explained.

A minute passed before he let out a long-suffering sigh.
"Are we taking a detour for Florida, then?"
After a pause, the Void monsters glanced at the once Royal Scientist, who was momentarily still.
"Thē €√ënt is alrēäd¥ 0ver aπd thē¥ hå√e £lowñ hømé. Høwè√er, I hävē mañãgéd to +ra¢e them tø th€ir [)e$tina+ion."
Sitting up, intrigued just like everyone else, he asked. "Where?"

There was a long pause before he intoned.
"W€s+ √irgîníã, £rämetøwn, ßra×tōn ¢oüñty."
"That sounds ridiculously specific." Bodoni deadpanned.
"Thërè appēárs tø ße $omé b€ñefïts, ¥es." Gaster noted with faint amusement.
"That is mildly terrifying." Bodoni concluded with wide sockets.
"Definitely." Cabana agreed.

Gaster shrugged, and Andalé yelped in alarm before everyone slid a little across the floor as the balsaérea turned.
"£ortüna+ely, W€st Vírgîñïå i$ √er¥ ¢losé tø Ñēw Jërsé¥."
"Warn me next time!" Andalé barked, gripping the bone bars of the fireplace in alarm.
"M¥ å₱oløgies." Gaster inclined his misshapen skull.
Andalé just grumbled, unlatching his phalanges and crossing his arms.

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