Frightened Flowers

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((I've been working on Andlátkyn so much that I keep forgetting Skeleghost exists-
Anyway here's a chapter, I'm so sorry my doods.))

He was hiding in an alley as a flower, sprouting up from a considerably sized crack in the pavement amidst weeds, watching the passersby.
The air was hot and dry, and only a few people were out, most others simply driving or taking the bus.

He was soaking up what little sun he could get in before continuing on his journey while debating whether or not to ask a human where he was.
Everything was strange and unfamiliar, and Chara was just as clueless as he. They had only ever seen vague maps of a wild frontier being discovered by settlers in other nations, trading maps around the world.
And even then it had been long ago for the child.

You know, I think I really, really hate cement.
It feels like Hotland, yeah. Asriel agreed, writhing achingly.
Let's steal more food. Chara suggested.
That's rude!
They paused as a figure passed the alley.

No one will miss anything. The human scoffed.
Yeah they will, it's their food! What if a human starves because of us?
No one is dying because we took one meal.
We don't have to be criminals, Chara. I'm not stealing.

With a mental grumble, Chara relented, bored.
What are we gonna do, then?
..Ask if someone's seen a bone dragon?
We're going to sound crazy.
They'd see a human as crazy, but I think they'll take me seriously!
Azzy, you're still a kid.
I'm a monster.

Chara hesitated, caught off guard by the unexpectedly harsh tone.
.. There's nothing wrong with being a monster, you know.
Asriel made no reply, only momentarily recalled moments when Chara had been arguing with Sans that last Reset.
Flowey's memories.
The human couldn't excuse them.

With that, the flower ducked underground, tunnelling through heavy clay based soil as he made himself a cool, damp cave before popping back up and peering around the corner of the building.

Just his luck, a teenager in just a blue and black shirt and grey shorts was walking down the street, grey headphones on and a backpack slung over his shoulder.
Asriel grimaced as the boy approached, then lashed out with vines and tossed him into the alley.

The boy screamed, falling backwards as his phone clattered on the pavement, scraping his arms as his headphones fell off.
Asriel winced. "I am so sorry! Are you okay?!"
Spotting him, the human scooted away in shock. "Dafuq? The fuck?! Man, the fuck?!?"

"Please calm down! Sir? Please?" Asriel begged, gesturing with his leaves. He was beginning to regret doing this as a flower.
"What the fuck are you?! Hell you want wit' me??"
"I just wanted to ask something, okay?"
The human stared at him, propping up on the back wall.
"Shit man, yah a whole ass flower. Trippin'."
"I- what?" He blinked, not quite understanding.

Asriel shook his head. "Nevermind."
As the other stood, the flower straightened.
"Um. I'm kind of.. slightly lost? And I know you have a network and stuff, so.. uh.. have you heard of a skeleton dragon or anything around here? By any chance?"

"What? Hell naw. I don't know any dragons or tha' shit." The human answered, picking up his phone and quickly holding it up. Asriel glanced to the side, disappointed.
"Oh. I'm sorry. I.. was kind of looking for a friend of mine. He's kind of a bone dragon at the moment."
"Dafuq is a bone dragon?" The human asked, aiming his device at the plant.

Asriel squinted at it, but ignored it in favor of answering.
"It's literally just a skeleton dragon. You know. Bone dragon. It's pretty cool, actually. He can fly by running in the air!" He flared his leaves giddily before his face fell again.

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