A Taste of Culture

151 13 17

((The gang try ice cream for the first time. By the way, I have never stepped foot in a Baskin Robbins. Why did I torment myself chosing this to take place at a Baskin Robbins. Why did I forget this chapter existed in the first place.))

"What." Nigel deadpanned as the woman paused, face frozen in shock.
"You're what?" Essence questioned.
".. One hundred and two? I don't understand?" Papyrus blinked in confusion.
"Paps, humans don't have that long a lifespan normally." Sans explained gently.
"They don't??" Multiple voices echoed in surprise.

"No, we. Shit, it's considered lucky to reach a hundred." Nigel breathed, running a hand through his hair. "How long do you even live for?"
"Well, most make it to about.. 5.. 6-ish hundred years?" Bodoni gestured idly.
"Jesus Christ." Sandra muttered. "I thought the two of you were still in your twenties."
"Twenties?" Candara squinted before recoiling. "Wait, when are humans actually, you know, grown up?"
"Legally 18, but I personally think it should be 20." Sandra replied somewhat uneasily. "Who's the oldest of your little group, anyway?"

"Wait, back up, 20?" Spade asserted. "You're adults at 20 years old?"
"That's so young!" Triton gasped.
"When are you considered adults??" Thomas asked.
"Well it's different based on each monster but for us it's 50!"
"That's already so old!" Essence squeaked.

"Wait, how old are all of you?" Nigel questioned.
"I'm 160." Bodoni raised his hand, still bewildered.
"93." Constantia added.
"87." Triton peeped.
"98." Cabana intoned hesitantly.
"147." Spade folded his arms around a headrest in intrigue.
"75." Candara mumbled, crossing his arms and looking away.
"105." Sans concluded, mildly impressed at Spade's age. He certainly didn't act 147.

"Wait, I don't know what to give!" Asriel cried. "Do I go off before I died, do I add Flowey's years?? Sans?"
"..Ehh, I dunno. Flowey wasn't exactly you, but you still have his memories. Not to mention all the Reset.. shenanigans he did."
"Reset?" Essence echoed.
"A conversation for a later time." Sans assured her.

"Well I guess before everything I was 17.. I guess I'm kinda technically 35 now?"
"Holy crap, you're middle-aged." Nigel burst out.
"I know!" Asriel giggled. "Chara doesn't shut up about it!"
"Who?" Sandra asked.
"Long story." Sans snorted.

"Uh. Where are we going?" Thomas suddenly asked as they were pulling onto an offramp.
"Oh I figured they would like something to eat. The gumbo at the house won't be enough to feed so many people and it's not every day you drive a bunch of talking skeletons and the like somewhere." She replied with some amusement.

"Oh you don't have to do that!" Bodoni exclaimed.
"We can't even repay you yet!" Asriel gasped.
"Oh no, they can trade in G for their currency. Gold's worth a lot on the Surface." Sans waved their concerns away.

"Wait, gold?" She straightened.
Papyrus reached around himself and pulled out a small sack that clinked, spilling out a few heavy gold coins and offering one to Thomas, the human gingerly taking it with wide eyes. "Is this solid gold? 24 karat and everything?"
"Yep." He confirmed. "Though for what it's worth, it's probably worth more as a coin, given rate of exchange."

"Rate of exchange?" Essence frowned.
"You know, how one nation's currency doesn't have the same worth as another's." Sandra explained lightly. "And he's right, it would definitely be worth more having solid gold coins from a very small nation than just melting them into ordinary gold." She was pulling into a parking lot with a few cars.

"Baskin Robbins?! Are you sure? I haven't been here since last year!" Essence squealed.
"It's a special day." Sandra shrugged, glancing at her many curious passengers.
"You don't mind ice cream, do you?"

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