You Just Got Pranked

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The light blue one turned around in her seat, being on the outside edge. "You have a cousin?"
Candara shoved Sans into a chair on the side of the booth, taking a second one for himself.
"I actually have two! He has an awesome sounding brother, we met over the phone!"
"Course he's awesome, Paps is just the coolest that way." Sans said automatically with a smile, still studying the rest of them.

A purple one with glasses for some reason was eyeing him in suspicion, but Sans let it slide as another with a more navy and black theme spoke up. "I thought you didn't have relatives." He proclaimed before addressing Sans.
"Who are you, anyway?"
"Sans. You?"

"Hi, Cabana here." The one with a metal bottle decorated with fish and capped in light teal waved.
"Spade." The green one wearing a hot pink fuzzy sweater and plump dark brown beret hat smiled.
"Perpetua." The dark purple themed skeleton with plum eyelights said haughtily, pushing his dark raspberry colored frames further up on his face, a beret of his own tipped further down than Spade's.

"Triton." An incredibly brown skeleton with a painted heart on his cheekbone smiled. He wore a backwards mahogany cap and oversized brown shirt. He was stuck between Spade and the wall across from Perpetua but quite comfortable there.

"Bodoni." The one between Perpetua and Constantia waved with a tired smile, dressed in a pinstriped dress shirt of dark teal and yellow lines, the accent matching the yellow undershirt that held a custom logo of some kind.

"Y'all are all so fancy. I feel poor here. Wait, I am poor." Sans snickered at his own joke.
"You're poor?" Constantia asked in concern. Sans shook his skull.
"Not really. It's more like all of you are comparatively rich. I actually have plenty of money, just don't use it."
"So.. middle income I guess?" Bodoni asked.

"Actually." Candara started. "He's not from around here."
Cabana squinted at him, slowly raising a phalange. "...You from Lakeside?"
He snorted. "Never heard of the place."
A slight lie, Candara had mentioned it, but that didn't really count.
"Never heard of..?"

"Are you a Growfields guy, then?" Constantia asked, sipping a drink he'd had for some reason.
"Nope." Sans leaned back, hands behind his skull.
"Sandstorm??" Spade offered, leaning forward.
"Do you live in the Ceiling Bridges?" Perpetua questioned.
"Cool name, but no."
"Guys, you're not going to guess it, no matter how hard you try." Candara explained with a grin.

"What, is he an estranged nut living in Woodland?" Constantia grinned mischievously.
"As fun as living in a forest sounds, I'm still more of a small town guy. The place I'm from is called Snowdin." He winked.

The chair was abruptly kicked out from underneath him, but such was his luck that Napstablook easily caught him before he could fall more than a centimeter.
"Seriously?!" Candara exclaimed.
"Second prank you've tried, second time it's failed. I'd say that's no new points."
"How were you prepared for that?!"
"A master knows all the tricks of the trade."

Sans sat back down, after righting the seat with blue magic, muttering a silent thanks to the ever mute ghost while maintaining his grin.
"What was that about?" Cabana queried.
"Kid decided to start a prank war with the prank master."
"You do pranks?"
"Of all kinds."
"Water pranks?"
"Falling pranks?"
"Glitter pranks?"
"Still in the carpet."
"Paint pranks?"
"Still on the ceiling."
"Weird pranks?"
"What's a prank you haven't done yet?"

He blinked, considering it.
"Well.. the one I'm thinking of would probably confuse you."
"Now we gotta know." Candara leaned forward, somewhat suspicious.
Sans snorted. "Nah kid, it ain't against you. Just a good prank on my folks. If it could be pulled off."
"Tell us about it!" Spade bounced in place.
Sans spread his hands. "Cabinets."

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