222. Straight

509 5 1

*when Jennie dies*

Jennie: *arrives at the Gates of Haven*

Angel: *stands behind them* Miss Jennie Kim...

Jennie: *startled* Jesus fu- Yeah hi, that's me

Angel: .....are you straight?

Jennie: *frowns* Of course I-

Angel: *shows a hologram of truth*

Hologram: *loading* Lie

Hologram: *shows every Jenlisa stage moment in 'Kiss and Makeup'*

Angel: *lifts his eyebrow and looks supiscious at her*

Jennie: *acts innocent*

Angel: *looks at his colleague*

Angel #2: *shrugs his shoulders*

Angel #1: Fine, you can go *opens the gate*

Lisa: *behind them in a cage* Bitch what the-

Lisa: *gets taken away by a delivery truck to hell*  

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