297. Zodiac Signs as...

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Your bias cheering for you before your soccer game starts

Aries: "Break a leg! But not literally!"

Taurus: *opens her arms wide, aegyo* "One more hug before match"

Gemini: "Stay safe..but keep running!"

Cancer: *teases* "You better score or else you won't score at home"

Leo: "Go for it tiger!"

Virgo: *does a whole handshake with you, kissing your cheek at the end*

Libra: *kisses your lips* "You can do it!"

Scorpio: "Go, before you forget why you're here" *giggles and pats your butt softly*

Sagittarius: "Slide on those bitches like you did through my DM"

Capricorn: "Don't listen to what they say, they ain't true"

Aquarius: "Don't forget to breath!"

Pisces: "Have fun!"

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