391. Fallen Asleep

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~ Chaesoo overhearing Jenlisa phone convo

Chaesoo: *earphones in, pretending to be on their phone*

Lisa: *lying on the couch, talking to Jennie on speaker*

Jennie: Yah~ don't be like that, Lisa-yah~

Lisa: Aaawwhh is my baby pouting, hm?

Jennie: *making sulking sounds*

Lisa: Cutie

Chaesoo: *looking at each other, making a grossed out face*

Jenlisa: *talking about their rap part in KTL during Coachella and the fans' reactions, laughing at the memory*

Jenlisa: *suddenly fell into a romantic silence, no one saying anything*

Chaesoo: *intently listening to the whole thing* 

Lisa: *blushing yet quiet* 

*after 2 minutes*

Lisa: *talks softly* So..?

Jennie: *no response*

Lisa: *laughed* Hey! You can speak now!

Jennie: *still no response*

Chulichaeng: *confused*

Lisa: Hey? Are you even there?

Lisa: *disconnected the call and called Jennie back*

Jennie: *didn't receive any of the calls*

*15 minutes later*

Jennie: *called back*

Lisa: *picks up* Hey?..

Jennie: Sorry, I fell asleep

Lisa: ....

Chaesoo: *couldn't pretend anymore and burst out laughing*

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