269. Chaesoo🔞

344 7 17

~ Jisoo G!P

Jisoo: *on the phone* Any plans?

Jin: *chuckles* Sis, I'm busy

Jin: You can do whatever you want without me tho *smiles on the phone*

Jisoo: Tss, alright "Mr. President"

Jisoo: I'll go to mom later...and dad's coming *rolls eyes*

Maffia members: *looking at their boss in worry*

Jisoo: *gives a reassuring smile*

Jin: What? You mean him coming to your office?

Jisoo: *sighs* Yup...

Jin: Good luck

Jisoo: Thanks *hangs up*

Jisoo: *mumbles to herself* Guess that old bastard will be asking for money again

Jisoo: *remembers the day her dad left them without looking back and ignoring their begs to stay, but smirks as she realises she's a mafia leader now with her brother as the president and loving their mother to death*

Jisoo: *chuckles* That bastard


*at Park residence*


Jimin: Fuck that Vanessa girl of yours. I told you she o-

Chaeyoung: She only loves my money, my lifestyle and my body. I know, I should've listened to you...aish.. *sighs*

Jimin: Okay, I'll give you some space now *sighs and leaves*

Jimin: *in his mind* She's probably going to the bar later...


Later at the bar, like Jimin predicted


Chaeyoung: *drunk and crying at the counter*

Chaeyoung: *holding a glass of whisky and scrolls through her phone, remeniscing all pictures, videos and chats of her and Vanessa*

*group of 4 guys approaching her*

Man #1: Hey babygirl, what you doing here alone? *touches her hair*

Chaeyoung: *annoyed* Leave me alone perverts

Man #2: Eeyyy, you should be nicer to us..daddies *smirks*

*4 bodyguards surrounding the boys, making way for a woman*

Jisoo: *stern voice* I suppose. Girls shouldn't be treated this way.

Jisoo: *stand in front of Chaeyoung with the back against her and looks at man #2* Daddy huh?

Jisoo: *chuckles* Look at yourself first, ugly retard

Man #3: *attacks Jisoo*

Jisoo: *dodges them and knees his shin, breaking it*

Man #3: AAAHH FUCK *lays on the ground in pain*

Jisoo: Apologize to her

Jisoo: *grabs her gun and aims it at him* Or do you wanna be naughty again, babyboy?

Man #3: *heavy breathing* I'm n-not your babyboy

Jisoo: Then don't call her babygirl, unless she's yours. But..

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