380. Blackpink as...(🔞-ish)

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Short imagines


You're in class, handing out your student's test results. As the bell rang, everyone packed up, but one of your students came up to your desk.

"I'm sorry, but is this a mistake?" your student asked.

"I beg your pardon?" you asked while packing up too.

"I'm very sure that every answer is right." she said.

"You did." you nodded.


"But I took 10 points away, because you weren't quite last night." you smirked as you looked at Jisoo's blushing face.

You wrapped your arms around Jisoo's waist, kissing her hungrily.

"However, I can give you those 10 points. If you can prove your silence." you whispered in her ear, before looking at Jisoo who's now smirking.


Jennie was in the kitchen cooking dinner when you came home from work.

"Hey baby, how was work?" she asked.

You didn't reply and came up to her. You slowly wrapped your hands around her and nuzzled your head in her neck.

"I want dinner.." you grunted against her skin.

"I'm making it right now." she said with a little smile.

"No..not that." you said and turned her around.

You lifted her up and put her on top of the counter. You rested your forehead on hers with your hands on her legs, caressing her innner thighs with your thumb.

"I want this." you said in a low voice before kissing her neck sensitively.

 Jennie whimpered and grabbed your head.

"Baby, not right now." she moaned.

"Please, baby?" you pleaded politely in her ear.

She looked at you in sincere, trying to figure you out. It didn't take long before she wrapped her arms around your neck with her pretty smile. That was all you needed before you kissed her passionately.


Chaeyoung wanted to break up with you, as you were too busy with your job lately and didn't have much time for her. She approached you and saw that you were ready to leave again.


"What is it, babe?" you turned around.

"I wanna break up with you."

"Why?" you asked with a worried face.

"I just don't feel like you love me anymore."

"You don't think I love you?" you asked for clearance and she nodded.

You gave her a small smile and approached her. You wrapped your arm around her waist and gave a peck on the lips.

"I really have to go now, love. When I'm back home, I promise I'll show you how much I love you." you said before kissing her again.

That was an hour ago. Now, Chaeyoung's wrists are cuffed on the headboard with your head between her legs.

(🎶But tonight I'll be, the happiest girl in the world, you'll see, like it doesn't matter🎤😩🎶)


You're covering the hickeys on your neck before you had dinner with Lisa's family. After entering the house, you immediately went to the dining room where everyone was waiting for you. You smiled at Lisa during eating, but spilled your drink on the table.

"Oh, shit.." you muttered. 

"Hahaha, silly." she giggled.

"I'll get you some tissues." you said with a smile and excused yourself while standing up.

You walked away and grabbed the tissues at the kitchen counter. Suddenly, you felt a pair of hands holding your waist, giving you slight shivers over your spine. The feeling of the person's lips pressing against your neck makes you feel hot all over your body.

"I see you covered the hickeys I made." Lisa whispered with a husky voice.

"You too." you smirked as you unbuttoned her shirt to see the hickeys you made on her chest and collarbone.

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