384. OT4

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Lisa: I'm baaacckk!

Jisoo: Welcome, Earthling

Chaeyoung: Hey Lis, how was Paris?

Lisa: It was fun! Where's Jennie?

Jisoo: Showering

Lisa: *nods* Aaahh okay

Jisoo: Why?

Lisa: Just wanna prank *walks away*

Chaeyoung: *laughs* Why are you so obvious

Lisa: *chuckles and shrugs her shoulders* You tell me

Chaesoo: *following Lisa*

Lisa: *hears the streaming water from the bathroom, smirks as she comes up with her idea*

Lisa: *enters the bathroom*

Chaesoo: *waiting outside*

Jennie: *singing in the shower*

Lisa: *tries to stay calm, peeks her head through the shower curtains*

Lisa: *low, evil voice* Looking good, babygurl

Jennie: *screams in cursive*

Jennie: *screams in cursive*

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haesoo: *bombasting side-eyeing each other then laughing hard*

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