317. CK

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~ As celebration for Beulping finally getting out of the dungeon for a magazine shoot/interview, we came back too✍🏼✍🏼🎉🎉🎉 Enjoy!💕

Lisoo: *chilling on the couch*

Chaennie: *chilling 🎶on the ground🎶 with their phone*

Jisoo: Lis, at what time are we supposed to be at the restaurant?

Lisa: Dad said we can come around 6:30 PM

Chaeyoung: What are we gonna wear?

Lisa: Clothes, duh

Chaeyoung: *rolls her eyes*

Lisa: *snorts*

Jisoo: I think I'll dress up comfy. Not too chique, not too baggy

Chaeyoung: *looks at Lisa*

Lisa: Street wear for sure *shrugs her shoulders*

Chaeyoung: I'll probably go classy streetwear. Turtleneck, overcoat, jeans. How about you, unnie? *looks at Jennie*

Jennie: Tbh, idk actually..I don't really wanna wear too much..Chanel..

Chaeyoung: Oeh, how about your Calvin Klein collection?

Jennie: Hmm, sounds nice. Baby, what do you think? *looks at Lisa*

Lisa: *thinks* Uuuhhhmmm....

Lisa's mind:

Lisa's mind:

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Lisa: *nods slowly*

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Lisa: *nods slowly* ...Yyyeesss

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