367. Blackpink as...🔞

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18+ imagines


You're the quiet, shy kid in class, dating the popular Jisoo. You both kept it a secret to avoid any rumors and drama. Right now, you're now following an online class.

Jisoo: *sleeping on your lap*

You: *playing with her hair*

Teacher: "Y/N, do you know how to answer the question?"

You: *unmuting the mic* "Uhm, yes-"

Jisoo: *lifts up her head, places her hand in your inner thigh*

Jisoo: *sleepy voice* "Hmmm, Y/N-aahh.."

You: *softly cursing* "Oh fuck-" 

Other students: *looking with wide eyes, not believing it's the real Jisoo with you*

Jisoo: *sees their reactions, chuckles and rests her head in the crook of your neck*


You're both top attorneys and always competing against each other. Little did other people know that the both of you had big desire for each other.

Jennie: *walks to you who's leaning on the desk, showing her tabloid* "WTF IS THIS SHIT?!"

You: *reads an rumor article about you and her having an affair*

You: *shrugging your shoulders, continues to read your testament*

Jennie: "WTF Y/N, fuck you!!"

You: *getting a bit horny seeing her mad* "You're lucky these are soundproof walls."

Jennie: *scoffs* "Why?! Cuz you're THAT paranoid?"

You: *throwing your document on the couch, grabbing Jennie and put her on your desk*

You: *smirking while standing between her legs* "Hmm, because of you? Maybe."

You: *hungrily kissing her lips as she reacts to it*


Chaeyoung and you are school enemies. She and her parents were in your backyard as both your parents are close friends and invited them to come over. You excused yourself earlier to use the restroom.

Chaeyoung: *gets a call from you*

Chaeyoung: *smiles at the parents* "I'll go take this call."

Chaeyoung: *walks inside, picks up the phone* "What do you want asshole?"

Chaeyoung: *annoyed* "Why tf are you calling me?"

You: *whimpering* "Please..."

Chaeyoung: "What?!"

Chaeyoung: *looks at your parents and signs them that's there's nothing wrong*

You: *whining* "P-please, Chaeyoung..come to my room..please...I need you so bad.."


You staying at Lisa's house for a few days before she continues with her world tour. For tonight, you're watching a movie in the bedroom.

You: *sitting in Lisa's lap*

Lisa: *gets bored and start to kiss your neck gently*

You: *tries to stay focused on the movie*

Lisa: *sucks your neck and moves her hand in your shirt, massing your b00by*

You: *whimpering softly, turning your head to look at her*

Lisa: *buries her head in your neck*

Lisa: *mumbles* "Baby, please..."

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